Ten things i hate about you

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Based off the movie ten things I hate about you but a bit different also peters your bother
Rosemary's age:16
Kate's age:16
Peter's age:16
Liz's age:16
Mj's age:16
Billy and Tommy's age:10
(Rosemary's pov)

Today is prom aka something I don't want to go to but Kate wants me to so I'm going

Timeskip to before prom

Im finally ready to go I go downstairs to find my mother and three brothers "whoa who knew rose could actually look pretty" tommy says billy gives him a little punch on the arm "that's not nice tommy, I think you look nice rose" billy says "thank you billy but do you guys think Kate will like this" I says "honey she'd be crazy if she didn't" mom tells me "rose you ready to go we got to get Kate and mj" Peter asks "yeah I'm ready, bye mom bye boys" say as me and Peter leave

At the prom

I'm actually having a better time then I thought I would but about five minutes ago Liz took Kate outside so I'm going to go find them

"I didn't pay you to take Rosemary out for mj to get Peter Kate" Liz says very angrily 'she paid Kate to take me out' I thought "you paid Kate to take me out so you could have Peter" I said "rose im sorry" Kate try's to say "Kate shut up Liz did you pay Kate to take me out" I say starting to get angry "yes I did" she said and walked away "you actually did this Kate" I say trying not to let any tears out "yes but i made a mistake I love you rose" she lied I know she lied because like my mother I can read minds "did you forget I can read minds Kate?" I asked "I ah" she try's to find something to say "fuck you Kate fuck you" I say walking away and I knew I wasn't going back in there so I texted Peter telling him I wasn't feeling well and was going home

When Rosemary got home

I couldn't help but start crying as i walked in the door "hey sweetheart how was prom...what happened baby" mom says coming and hugging me "KategotpaidtotakemeoutbylizsoshecouldgooutwithPeterandIfoundoutshe" I say fast but mom can just understand "oh sweetheart it's going to be ok, where's Peter how did you get home" mom asks "peters still there I told him I wasn't feeling well and that I was going home" I say though my tears "ok how about you go have a shower and get into some pajamas and I'll make you a hot chocolate and then we can watch a movie you pick" mom says I nod in agreement and go have a shower

Timeskip to English class on Monday

Me and Peter are in English when he got home I told him what happened he wasn't happy with Kate speaking of Kate she in English with me and Peter which I'm not so happy about "ok I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed prom so let's get started dose anyone want to share there poem that you had to write over the weekend" I put my hand up "okay Rosemary you can come share you poem" the teacher says I walk to the front of the class with my English book and start reading my poem

"I hate the way you talk to me, And the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind

I hate you so much it makes me sick, It even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie

I hate it when you make me laugh, Even worse when you make me cry

I hate it when you're not around, And the fact that you didn't call

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, Not even close, Not even a little bit, Not even at all"

As I was finishing the poem I couldn't help but cry the bell went off right as I finished and grabbed my bag and left it was the last class of the day so I didn't matter

As I was getting into my car I heard a voice calling me I knew it was Kate "Rose please I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you Liz offered me a lot of money I couldn't pass up on it please forgive me" she try's to explain herself "you aren't forgiven Kate cause in these past three weeks I falled in love with you and it hard knowing that you did all this for money" I say getting into my car I can tell she wants to say something but I just drive off
I know there wasn't a lot of Wanda but I had the idea to do this so I had to

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