Adoption (EO)

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Request Jordan_Romanofff
Sophie's pov
I've been up for adoption since I was born Some people have almost adopted me but then don't like my attitude  which is fucking bullshit like my attitude isn't that bad I can just be a bitch sometimes.

I've always been interested in finding my biological mother and trying to find out why she put me up for adoption but when I ask the owner of the orphanage they just say "she was to young" which I've expected as the only answer I'd ever get to why until I'm 18 and find out for myself why but for now I've just got to wait

Lizzie's pov

It's been 15 years since I gave my daughter Sophie up for adoption I just couldn't give her a good life I was young starting to act I would of been a shit mom if I kept her.

It surprises me she hasn't been adopted yet but then I'm happy she hasn't cause it gives me a chance to if she lets me be her mother I know she'll have questions as any kid would when there mother just shows up to come but into there life and right now I'm going to see if that can happen I know not to get my hopes up but I hop that it can happen

Time skip to Lizzie at the orphanage

As I walk into the orphanage I'm met by the owner David "ah miss Olsen nice to see you again" he says "you to David" i say "well I know why your hear so would you like for me to go get Sophie" he says "oh that would be amazing" I say "ok I'll go grab her" he say then walks off

Sophie's pov

I'm reading a book as David the owner of the orphanage comes in "hey there's someone here who wants to talk to you" he says "ok yeah I'll be down in a minute" I say as he walks out I put my book down and get up off my bed and walk downstairs to be met by a older looking version of myself "is it just me or is there a older version of me standing there" I say both David and the woman laugh "well yes there is I'm going to leave her to explain....ok bye" David says and walks out

"What dose he mean by I'll leave her to explain you my mother or something" I say the last bit as a bit of a of a joke

After a minute of her just looking at me in silence I say "by the fact your just looking at me like a fucking crazy lady I'm guess you are" I stop talking for a second "my mother" I finish "yes I'm your biological mother" the woman says we stand there in silence for a bit longer and then she's says "I guess I should probably explain why I'm here" she say "yeah that we'll be nice" I say "um well when I was 18 I got pregnant with you Um I don't know who your father is um but after I had you I picked that I had to put you up for adoption I was young just starting to act im an actress by the way and wasn't in the right state to raise a child I regret that decision every day and um when I found out you hadn't been adopted I knew that I had to come talk to you and " she take a little breather before talking again "I want to be your mother I totally understand if you don't want me to be but I just wanted to ask" she finish's "you know my entire life I wondered why my mother gave me up and whenever I asked about it all I was told was 'she was young wasn't ready' I thought that she would never be ready and that if when im 18 and try find her she wouldn't want me but now your standing there asking to by my mother and that all I ever wanted was for my biological mother to want me to be her daughter" I say "so im guessing that's a yes" she says "yeah I want you to be my mom" I say she smiles "ok well I'm going to go tell David and get that all sorted so um how about you go get your stuff and we can go home" she says "yeah sure"

Lizzie's pov

I'm so happy that she wants me to be her mother I go talk to David get all that stuff done and by the time where done Sophie's already ready "ok soph it's hard for my to say goodbye to your annoying ass but you've gotten all you've always wanted your mother I'm gonna miss you getting mad at anything I do and your a bit mean comments but your gonna be fine and your gonna make it far in life" David says to Sophie "I guess I'm kinda gonna miss ya but don't make that comment make you think I like you cause I don't" she says pointing her finger at him "ok I won't don't worry" he says "good" she says

Time skip to a month later

"Bye mom I'm going to school I'll see you later" soph says as she gets her bag " bye honey have a good day don't get into trouble" i says "what's the fun in that" she says walking out the door

I'm so happy that I have her back

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