It's none of you Business (WM)

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Just before I start I would like to know if you would mind if I changed this to a marvel woman and actresses daughter oneshot book

Plot:Sophie's sneaking out
Pietro is alive in this and him and Wanda are Clint's kids
Sophie's pov

My mom has way to many rules some of them including
.no dating until after graduating
.no smoking drugs or drinking
.no grades below a B
.and if you get a grade under a B you get all devices and no seeing friends until you get above a B
.no talking back
.no swearing
.every Saturday is family day that means no devices and if she catches you on a device you don't get it until the next Sunday

And she looks through our bedrooms and if she finds anything that goes against her rules of what we can have you get all devices taken until she think you deserve them back and sometimes you can even get your door taken away to

Let's just say I'm very good at hiding stuff and I have broken all these rules and she's never catched me once see she also doesn't read our minds because she thinks that's invading our privacy as if looking through our rooms isn't like what the actual fuck goes on in that woman's mind to make her think that going through our rooms isn't a invasion of our privacy

Anyways all this brings me to today Saturday my absolute favorite day of the week I get to spend every fucking minute with my stupid ass brothers my toaster step-father and my control freak witch mother

But see the problem is that there's this get to together tonight with a few of my friends and girlfriend of a year see I know not to ask mom cause she'll just say "Its Saturday that mean it's family time not hang out with your friends time" like nobody want to do this the twins want to be playing video games with their friends I want to go out with mine like can't we miss one Saturday

"UNCLE PIETRO" billy and tommy yell as uncle pietro walks in "hey my favorite trouble makers" he says "what about me" I say as a joke "you soph are my favorite person to piss your mother off with" he says giving me a hug "sounds about right the two of you love pissing me off" mom says walking into the living room

Wanda's pov

I know the kids hate these Saturdays but I only do them because I just want them to spend time together and with me and I know your most likely saying that if I want my kids to be closer to me I need to get rid of some rules but I just have them so they don't turn out like me I know Sophie hates it the most cause she can't do anything but I'm just protecting them especially her I know she has a girlfriend that almost four years older then her I know that she's going to sneak out tonight I know she's going to drink with her girlfriend I know all that but tonight I'm going to stay up until she comes home

But I also have to say her and her girlfriend are pretty cute like her girlfriend throws rocks at her window to get soph to come down it kind of reminds me of me and soph father my ex as we used to do that I think that way I let her get away with it for so long

Time skip to 3am Sophie getting home

I'm currently on Sophie bed reading a book waiting for her to get back when I hear the back door open and the sound of her quietly crying and I'm wondering what has happened cause soph doesn't cry often

She walks into her room and comes and sits by me and leans against me "if you going to tell me off for sneaking off can it wait a bit please" she says crying into me I bring her head to my chest "I wasn't going to tell you off" I say "then why where you waiting for me to get home if you weren't going to tell me off" she says looking up at me her eyes so bloodshot it looks like she's cried so much she could full an entire ocean "I thought it was time I give you an explanation of why I have so many rules for you and the boys" I say "I'd like if you did that" she says with a little laugh "okay well when I was about your age me and your grandparents argue all  the time and it made me feel like shit because all my friends and your uncle all had good relationships with their parents and it made me feel left out because your uncle was the favorite and our parents made it clear he was the favorite and my friends would talk about how them and there parents would do all this stuff together and I told myself that when I had kids I was going to make sure that I had the best relationship with them turns out that being a control freak with a list of rules that couldn't even fit in Mary popins bag isn't how you have a good relationship with your kids it how you have a shit one so I want to apologize and I'm going to stop all of my unfair rules and I hop we can try to have a better relationship" I say almost crying "I didn't know grandma and grandpa treated you like that" she says "well that's because I told them that they either start being good parents to me when I was pregnant with you because or else I wouldn't let them meet you" I say "so they only got there shit together because of me" she asks "yes. Also if you have any questions about the rules thing now would be a good time" I say " well would I be able to go out with friends after 5:30 pm that's all I want to know for now" she asks "yes and you can have a girlfriend or boyfriend if you want I know you have one" I say "well its kind of ex girlfriend now" she say looking down " what what happened" i asks " well she kind of just cheated on me and said we're over" she says starting to cry again i hug her and say "hey hey it's okay that probably didn't even deserve you" "what If I didn't deserve them" she says "hey don't you dare say threat young lady you hear me your absolutely perfect there's probably hundreds of people who want to date you" I say hugging her she doesn't say anything "how about tomorrow me and you get some revenge on them hah" I say she looks at me and says "what type of revenge" "oh I was thinking maybe giving them some nightmares maybe tping there house glitter bombing their car and more" she laughs and says "wait how do you know they have a car" "it's not exactly a quiet car sweetie" "I guess your right" she say "I know. Okay but if four am now get some sleep you need the energy for some revenge on your fucking cunt of a ex" I say getting up off her bed "night mom" she says "night sweetheart" I say closing her door it feels nice knowing the i finally changed my ways as a mother

Wanda maximoff and Elizabeth Olsen  daughter oneshots Where stories live. Discover now