Chapter 15

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Jennie's Pov

We are now here at the grocery store buying foods for this month, in 2 months Lisa's contract will come to an end and up until now we are still not taking about it. Am not taking about it. Why, because I'm afraid that she will leave me and we will have an LDR, but even so I will accept and respect her decision.

"Hon, is this enough?" She suddenly ask as I look at the cart, which is half full "ahh let's get some more, then we can go." I said as she nodded and she pushed the cart. We stop when I remember that we will be attending Cheng and Lisa mother birthday.

So after we finish buying groceries we went to chanel, "what are we doing here?" Lisa asked me and I look at her. "Did you forget, we will be attending your mother's birthday party next week!" I said and she frown "excuse me, but it's Roseanne's mother ok?" She said as i sigh "mhh ok" I said and look for a bag.

"Miss I will take this." I said ask I look around and didn't saw Lisa "where the hell is that woman? I swear If I saw her flirting I will really cut her pet" I took the paper bag and went out the store. After a while I still couldn't see her, so I took my phone.

Hello hon, where are you?

What are you saying? You said will but some clothes, that's why I left to but some water, right??

What are you saying?? I never said that I'm now here at the car. So here I don't like to wait.

I hang up the phone and thankfully I have the car key, after 5 minutes the driver's door open "I'm sorry hon" she said and I look at her "forgiven, but what are you saying at the phone baby? I never said that." I said as she took the car key "by the way where are we going next?" She asked me and I look at her "ahh let's just go to the house" I said and bit my lips and she giggled.

"Oh not stop what you are doing,ok?" She said and I pout "why?! We have done it last 3 weeks! Please." I beg her and she shake her head " no." She said "ok hmph" I rolled my eyes and look at the window car "hon, please understand me ok?" She said and I ignore her.

Ok let's be honest here, out last love making was 3 weeks ago, yes 3 weeks ago. Ok change topic, "hon please talk to me." She's said and hold my head but I remove it and I heard her sigh...

As the car enter the garage and stop I immediately went inside, leaving her with all the things at the car. I went inside the room and change to something comfortable.

As I leave my room I saw Lisa who is arranging the stock of food, I went to the kitchen to get my water bottle. As I close the door to the refrigerator I felt a pair of arms on my waist and her chin of my shoulder "mhh Lisa stop" I said as I try to remove her arms but she just hug me more.

"Mhh I'm sorry baby" she said and kiss my neck, "s-stop it" I said as she didn't and she made me face her. I was about to talk when she attack my lips "mhh" I moan as our kiss was very passionate, the next thing I knew we are already naked....

I wake up when I fell coldness, I checked my side and saw a vacant bed side. "Mhh where did she go." I said as wrap the blanket on my naked body. I hiss when I felt pain on my lower region, I took my bathrobe and wear it.

I went out and saw my baby seating at the couch with her phone on the side of her ear...

"Yes, do worry about it.. I already bought it, and I hope it will stop. And if not then I will go back to I will try to.. don't worry about that I have Jennie in my life I have a billion reason to fight it... Don't worry I will. Bye..."

What is she trying to imply too, "ohh hon, your awake. I already prepared a dinner for us, just put some clothes you might catch cold " she said as she hugged my back and hold my hands. "Who were you taking to hon?" I asked her "ohh that was Taehyung " she said and I nodded "by the way is he coming to Kai and his parents" I asked and she nodded.

"He said he will try to, and he said he will try and make things clear about his issues in the past " she said as she prepare the table "you? When are you going to talk to them? You know you can't run to problems lisa " I said to her.

Up until now I'm try to convince her to talk to her parents, but as you know "I will not ok."she reason out and I sigh "hon forgive them already, it ta been years and I'm sure they want to meet you" I said as she suddenly throw the plate to the floor which surprised me.

I was about to talk when she shout at me...

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want them entering my. Life anymore!!! You easyly say that cause you never experienced what I experience!! One more word about them and I will really leave you!!!" She said and  left the house...

I was frozen for minute, I didn't realize that tears are already falling from my eyes. I quickly wipe off my tears and clean the broken plate. I look at the food of the table it's all my favorite. "You shouldn't said it Jennie, loll what you have done" I said to my self as I sat at the table alone and look at the side of my seat which is the place where Lisa seat that is now vacant.

After I ate, I put some clothes and went outside to look for Lisa, first in went to the nearest play ground, yes play ground. Why? Because  we always sit at the swing when. We have out late night walk but I didn't see her there, so I went to the nearest park . I lock the car and went to find her, after 15 of searching I saw her, she is hugging herself while seating at the grass.

I slowly went to her place  and say next to her "I have been searching for you" I said as I she bow " I'm sorry for Being aggressive at you earlier" she said and I hold her hands "no you don't have to say sorry, It was my fault. If I didn't ask you about it you will not do it, so don't apologize" I said but she shake her head.

"No, even if you said that I don't have the right to be like that, what I did was not good. I'm sorry " she look at me, and I can see regret in her eyes. I hold her cheeks and caressed it "let's go home it's already getting late." I said and she nodded, we went back to the car while hold our hands...

After we arrived, we went inside "do you want me to prepare the food you cook?" I asked her but she shake her head "no, it's ok, I already ate at the nearby ramen restaurant" she said and I nodded "let's go inside then so you can change your clothes " I said as I pull her inside.

We are now laying at the bed while Hugging her. "Goodnight baby" I said as I close my eyes and went to sleep.....


Lisa's Pov

As I felt Jennie breathing became heavy, I slowly remove her hands and took my phone and went to the balcony and dialed her...

"Hello doc, it's meet Lisa. I know your at work right now. But I just want to say it's coming back again.... and I need your help again..."



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