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Lisa's Pov

I just finish drying my hair when the door open and my mother enter "are you ready?" She asked and hug me "yes I am mom, but this." I said and showed her my tie "hahaha let me." She said and I let her "it's the day we're waiting for." She said and I smile "I'm a little nervous mom."  I said and she chuckled "don't worry, you look great in your suit." She said and patted my shoulder "let's go, the bride is waiting." She said and I nodded " I will follow you." I said as she left the room, I face my self at the mirror and exhaled.

"You can do this Lisa."

After that I pick my coat and left my room, I went to the venue and saw them "guys!" I said as I get their attention "wow Lisa you look stunning." Kai said and I smile."thanks Kai." While waiting for the bride I look at Ella "my little girl is so beautiful." I said and kiss her forehead "dada." She said and I smile.

"Wow our baby really knows how to speak."  I looked where the voice came from and it's Jennie"hi love." I said and kiss her lips "you look gorgeous as always." I said and wink at her "ohh thank you, you look handsome as well love." She said and was about to take Ella from me "no, you clothes might get wrinkly." I said and she shake her head "it will not." She said and take Ella from me.

"Where is she?" I said and she look at the door "she's inside the car talking to the coordinator." She said and I nodded "she a little bit nervous." She said and I put my hand on her waist "understandable, it's her wedding day." I said and kiss her head "might as well talk to her before she becomes Mrs.Kim." I smile and nodded "I will." I said and went where the car is parked.

The coordinator went down and saw me "I will just talk to her for a minute, would you mind?" I asked and she nodded "it's okay ma'am the ceremony will began in 10 minutes." She said and left. Then I enter the car and saw my little princess that will become Queen later.

"Hey don't be nervous." I said and caressed her hand "how can I not be, I will marry the love of my life."  She said and I smile "yah! Stop that ok relax and calm yourself." I said and she breath in and out. "Are you good?" I asked and she nodded "I'm little princess will get married huh?" I said and she smile "awe why are you tearing up?" I asked and pulled my handkerchief and wipe is slowly.

"Don't cry, your make up will be ruined." I said and she laughed "looks who's taking." She said and I smile.

"I can't help it, knowing my little sister is getting to the person she loves." I said and she hug my side "please stop with the drama I will really cry if you won't stop." She said and I nodded "just remember I'm always here, if she make you cry or hurt I will punch her." I said and she punch my shoulder "idiot, jisoo will never lay her hand on me." She said and roll her eyes "I know." I said and she look at me "you what's your plan?" She asked and I smile.

"And that's why I'm here." I said and told her my plan after that we went down.


Jennie's Pov

We are now getting ready, but Ella is really not in her mood that's why she doesn't want to walk but  still try "baby, please you just need to walk." I said and look at her eyes "B-but m-mommy I don't want to." She said and pout "what about I buy you the barbie that you want, if you walk." I heard Lisa said and I look at the back and saw her.

I look at her with a glare, yes! a glare because in the pass 3 months she has been spoiling our daughter "Lisa stop it ok, stop spoiling Ella." I said and she hold my waist "relax love, I can handle it." She said "so is it a deal." Lisa said and Ella nodded "yes dada!! yes!!" She said and jump like she'd won a lottery.

I look at Lisa and playfully punch her stomach "argh." She said and I roll my eyes "I already told you stop spoiling Ella, I swear if she grows a spoiled brat, you will really sleep at the couch for 10 whole years." I said and she widen her eyes"love not 10 years, 2-3 years is negotiable." She said and I was about to punch her again, when one of the coordinator approach us.

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