Chapter 22

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Taehyung just finished his classes when he received a call from Lisa doctor saying he needs to be there. Because it's important, when he enter the gate the doctor wave to him "Mr.Kim goodafternoon, I'm sorry but I really need to call you about Lisa." The doctor said and taehyung frown "what about Lisa doc?? Did she stab a nurse again?!" Taehyung asked worriedly as the doctor shake his head. "No, actually Lisa is there, playing with the other patients." The doctor said as he pointed Lisa.

"Is Lisa cured already??" Taehyung asked Lisa's doctor while looking at Lisa who is playing with the other patients "that's why I called you, the Lisa (Luca) who is tried to kill me is gone, when I visit her she was friendly, obedient.  She was talkative not like the Lisa who can kill you with her looks.. she is always taking about her parents.
How her dad is going to convince her mom to come back to them. I just told her that her dad left her to me... And told her this is a school. She was happy... Infact this is much better, if she can take medicine in time she might be back to her old self." The doctor said as Taehyung nodded.

"I see doctor, I just hope you can bring Lisa back." Taehyung said while looking at Lisa who is piggy back ridding a 40 plus year old men who is struggling " don't lose hope MR. Kim, she will be back I guarantee you that." The doctor said as Taehyung nodded.

"Can I call her??" Taehyung asked the doctor and the doctor nodded "Lisa!! You have a visitor!!" The doctor said as she called Lisa and Lisa run "what is it teacher?" Lisa asked with her child tone "this mister here, wants to talk to you." The doctor said as Lisa approach Taehyung who is seating at the grass..

"Hi Lisa, call me Taehyung." He said and Lisa nodded "ok Taehyung." Lisa said as he sat next to taehyung "here Lisa." Taehyung said as he gave Lisa a macdonald " wow thank you Taehyung." Lisa said as she hug Lisa "your welcome Lisa, eat now." Taehyung said but Lisa look at her "but my mom said not to trust stranger." Lisa said and taehyung laughed "Don't worry Lisa, I'm not a bad guy infact I'm your dad's friend, he said he is coming home some and will pick you up." Taehyung said as Lisa was super happy...

"Ohh Lisa I need to leave, I still have classes but tomorrow I will visit you, what gift do you want??" Taehyung asked and Lisa hold her chin while thinking "mhh I'm craving for sandwiches. The foods here sucks there's no salt." Lisa said and taehyung nodded "but, don't put peanut butter i hate it, ok??" Lisa said and taehyung nodded.

"I guess your Lisa who thought that's  she's still five years old, Still hate peanut butter too." Taehyung said as he walked away but before he leaves he took one last glance at Lisa who is running around with other patients.

"Lisa!! Taehyung is here!!" The doctor called Lisa and ran towards Taehyung, who is holding a paper bags "hi Taehyung, did you bring it??" Lisa asked and he nodded "yes I have it, I have bought every sandwich except for peanut butter sandwich." Taehyung said as she took the bag and smile at Taehyung "thank you Taehyung!' she said as she went to the other patients who are sitting at the grass.

Lisa took at the sandwich and gave it to the other patients, Taehyung and Lisa's doctor sat at the bench what looking at Lisa "how is she??" The doctor sigh and look at Lisa "she is responding good, not like that Luca who we need to sedative to drink the medication. Little Lisa even told me about her past." The doctor said and taehyung look down.

"From what I heard from you and little Lisa, I can say Lisa is a strong person. And she will win this Taehyung, just have faith in her." The doctor patted Taehyung's shoulder and taehyung smile. "Yeah I will" he said and look at Lisa who is laughing with the patients while munching the sandwich.

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