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Chapter 3

First period was hell. I swear it's Embarrass Samantha Day. Mr Karl my History teacher made sure of it. I know I wasn't listening to him, but almost everybody in the class wasn't. But no, let's make sure little Samantha is mortified by the end of the class. I'm sure that's what he was thinking. No joke.

Dragging my feet to walk down the hall, not paying attention to my surroundings and trying to shove my notes well doodles in my backpack. I would've finished the simple task if not for this kid bumping into me.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking-" I said trying to pick up my papers that's now scattered in the floor. Looking up, I noticed that he didn't even stop to help me. Jerk.

With his back facing me, I can't see his face but it would've been nice to see the face of the jerk. I can't see the color of his shirt since it's covered with a black leather jacket, he's wearing a black pants and a white converse. Oh look! We matched. Well, he has great taste. Turning around to go to my next class.


I was putting all my stuff in my locker, getting my lunch money when I received a message from Kara.

Eyygirl! I'm in the canteen now, I saved us a table. Hurry up! I have someone I want you to meet.:)

-K x.

I smiled. I saw the picture that I keep in my locker. It's of me and Kara. We were both wearing matching clothes. The picture was taken after Eli left.

He was my other bestfriend. I met him before I met Kara actually. We were best friends since diaper days. Our moms were friends in high school before. So when they bought the house next to ours, my mom was pretty thrilled.

But then, I don't know what happened. One day, I just saw the movers at their house. They left. He promised we'd keep in touch.

It was fine until a few months, he no longer picked up my calls and neither does his mom.

"Stop calling here. You're no longer my best friend!" He told me angrily.

That was the last thing that he told me.


By the I time entered the canteen, the number of students lining up reached the canteen doors. I saw Kara waving both of her hands like a weirdo earning stares from the students near her.

Giving an eye roll, I hurriedly went to her and slumped myself in my seat.

"Sam, this is Claire. Claire meet Sam. My bestfriend." Kara introduced us.

"Hi Claire! Nicols, Samantha Nicols, Sam for short." I greeted her.

She giggled. "Hi Nicols, Samantha Nicols, the names Scotts, Claire Scotts." She replied cheerfully.

"Oh! There's my brother. Cam! Cam!" She exclaimed excitedly. Looking behind me.

I looked over my shoulder curiously. What? I'm a naturally curious person. It has led me to a multiple times of trouble, but it's not like I can help it. And nothing has ever prepared me for what I saw.

Claire's brother Cam, punched someone specifically Jack, the school jock because they tripped him. See what I did there. Jack the school jock. I scoff mentally. Trust me to think of some pun when there's a fight going on in my very eyes.

Everybody around me except Claire and Kara are shouting, betting who's gonna win.

"Jack! Jack! Jack!" Jack's herd of supported chanted.

"Hey! What's going on here? Break it up! To the principal's office both of you!" The canteen official shouted. Breaking both of the red-faced boys.

Now that the fight's over, the canteen is starting to calm down. I faced Claire together with Kara expectantly eyebrows raised.

"That was my brother Cam." She shrugged nonchalantly. "He's not a very patient person." She added.

I caught Cam starting to walk with Jack and the canteen official going to the doors in my peripheral vision.

"Yeah, I can see that." I murmured.

Hmm. Strangely enough, we was wearing a white converse that looked exactly like the jerk that bumped into me earlier. Weird.


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