Chapter 3

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I wake up in my white and silver bed. Why Reluan? Why did you cheat on me? I run my fingers through my long dark chocolate hair then I slowly being down my hands to my face to cover my eyes. You promised me. You, Reluan Miridio, promised to me, Kodia Nia Adalia, that you would never leave me. It would of been perfectly fine if you just came up to me and broke up with me or even just sent me a text that says, "We are over," would of been better than cheating on me. I could feel warm little droplets of water form in my eyes. I have cried for you, went beyond my strength for you....and this is how you give back. My alarm goes off. It's 7:15 in the morning. I wipe my tears from my eyes and get out of bed. I grab my uniform that I laid out for myself last night and head on over to the bathroom to change.

I take off my pajama shirt. I down at my stomach. The scar. The wound. I slowly run my fingers along the giant scar. I then look up to the bathroom mirror. "I almost died for you." "Aren't I beautiful enough for you?" I ask myself. "Aren't I enough for you?" I ask myself. "Isn't me almost dying for you, enough for you?" I ask myself. "I wonder if you only wanted me for my body." I talk to myself. "I lost a friendship for you." I lecture myself. "I cried and thought about you every single night, isn't that enough for you?" I cry to myself. "I CUT FOR YOU!" I scream at myself. "I WAS IDIOTIC AND STUPID ENOUGH TO FALL FOR YOU!" I scream at myself. "I GAVE EVERYTHING TO YOU." I scream. Tears start streaming down my face. "Yet-" I inhale sharply. "It wasn't enough for you." I look back up to the mirror. I stare at myself. Examining my own scars down my wrist. The scars across my chest. The wound on my arm. The scar on my stomach. "These scars weren't enough for you..." I close my eyes and breathe then open my eyes. "Aren't I beautiful....?" I ask myself, smiling at the mirror, slowly losing my sanity. "Aren't I beautiful........." I slowly back away from the mirror smiling. I slowly descend to cold tile floor. "Aren't I beautiful......." I bow my head down to my knees. "Beautiful." I quickly grab my black polo shirt and quickly put it on. "Beautiful." I mumble to myself.

I slide on my khakis. I exit the bathroom not caring on how my hair or me in general looks like right now. I put on my Zitrek pullover hoodie. How I love this hoodie. I slide on my arctic blue sneakers and grab my north face bag out of my densely packed closet. Not giving a crap today, while walking out, I take a glimpse at my black and white longboard with a "Six A.A.M" pierced out heart design below the main platform with neon red wheels. Looking around if my parents are here, I grab a hold of my longboard and run away outside with it. Grabbing my keys along the way. I slam the wooden door closed and jump every flight of stairs. I kick open both of the exit metal doors open. I jump down the few stone steps down from my apartment complex onto the street. I throw my longboard to the pavement and jump on it. I'm not suppose to be riding my longboard to school ,but who cares right now? Not me.

I get near the school doors and see an adult opening the door to a child who is entering. I'm going to have to make it in before the child does. I push off harder with my left foot. I make it in, but I hear the adult yelling behind me, "Hey! Watch where you are going, you idiot!" I roll on into the cafeteria. Again. I see Salio sitting at the same lunch table on the opposite side ,but farther away from Reluan and Meridia. I jump off my longboard and grab it before it rolls away. "Sup pal." I say to Salio while flicking him on the back of his head. "One. Hey. Two. OW!" I laugh. "Kodia...Can I talk to you outside?" Salio asks me awkwardly. I reply, "Sure." Salio gets up and grabs his bag then heads on out. I follow him on ahead with my longboard. "So Salio. What did you want to talk about?" Salio runs his fingers through his brown hair. "Um...About yesterday.... And the making-" I hear hard footsteps come up behind me and yank me from behind into lips I do not want to touch. Reluan's. I slap him across his face with my nails. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Get your filthy self away from me!" I yell at him. "Why are you rejecting me Nia?" Oh my fucking Inestia. "Are you playing stupid?" I give him the death glare. "Nia, I said I'm-" I flip up my longboard and whack him with it across his face. "I told you to get away from me." Reluan falls to the ground. Reluan kneels for a few seconds. Without hesitation, he jumps up and raises his arm hit me?

He smacks me across my face and I immediately fall to the floor. I remember that Salio is here. He retaliates in a second, "You just did not fucking do that to her." I look up to see Reluan staring down Salio, "What are you going to do? Fight me? You never fought in your life." Salio ignores him and helps me up. "Kodia...your face...." Salio says with sadness. He runs his fingers along 4 bleeding cuts along my cheek. He stares for a while at my wounds then immediately turns to Reluan. I start to shake and feel tears forming in my eyes. "Are you happy of what you have done to her.....?" I can hear Salio at his breaking point. "Oh she'll suck it up. Just like how she sucked up those scars that are on her wrists that she did to her-" Salio punches him across his face and sends Reluan crashing face first onto the concrete. Reluan slowly gets up, but not fast enough to block a kick to the stomach from Salio. Reluan goes rolling across the concrete. "So you do fight..." Reluan coughs up blood. Reluan grips a crack in the concrete. He stands up and wipes blood off of his lips with his hands. What Salio doesn't know is that Reluan picked up a pretty regular sized rock in his right hand.

"What are you going to do now if I do....this!" He sends the rock flying right to my stomach and sends me falling to the ground, falling side first. Salio breaks. Salio jumps onto Reluan and punches him 10 times enough to break his nose and bust open his lip. Salio gets off of Reluan and kicks him from the side and kicks him for the last time ,but near his chest. Finishing off Reluan. I cough up blood. Wrapping my arms around my stomach and waist due to excruciating pain. I see a huge blood stain coming through my black polo shirt and even through my Zitrek pullover hoodie. Salio rapidly kneels down and gets out his hoodie that he had from his backpack. "Kodia....I'm so sorry.. I let him hurt you again." I can see tears forming in his eyes and him starting to cry in his voice. He wraps his hoodie around my stomach and puts my longboard in his backpack. He lifts up my head and legs and lifts me up bridal style. "S-Salio....I-It hurts...." I cringe from the pain. My wound on my stomach. Oh no. "I-I think the rock re-opened the car accident wound on my stomach. Grabbing his and my stuff , he runs down the concrete sidewalk to find a way to the closest hospital. He turns down to Perry Ave, and stops at the bus stop.

"S-Salio no.." I go into my hoodie's pocket and grab my phone. I reach it up to him. "U-Use-" I cough up blood. "Use this." Salio looks at me desperately, worried and with anger. He unlocks my phone and dials 616, "Yes, police. My girlfriend was assaulted by a teenager named, Relaun Miridio. She's in need of critical medical help. Please help her. We are at bus stop 83 on Perry Avenue in Iciden,SO." Did Salio just call me his girlfriend....? I'm regretting so many things starting from when I first met Relaun. EMTs arrive with medical care. I see one that looks familiar. A lady with brown hair and hazel eyes kneels down next to me, "Sweetie! You're hurt again! Is it in the same spot?" I nod. "Okay! We'll fix you up!" She waves over an EMT that has a needle and and thread in his hand. Stitches. Shit.

"I'm going to put disinfect the sound okay? This might sting a bit." The lady says. She soaks a cotton ball with a liquid then holds my hand. She slowly ,but gently presses it again the wound. "O-" I tighten my grip around her hand to endure the excruciating pain once more. She gets out a small damp cloth and wipes the wound. " it's time for your stitches. Since whatever hurt you reopened the wound you had." The lady says with a bit of sympathy. The man comes by and puts the needle as fast as he can though it so it's a quick pain. It still hurts tho. He slowly weaves the thread back and forth to shut the wound. "Okay miss. You are good to go." The lady and man hold out their hand to help me get off the concrete sidewalk. I try not to scrunch my stomach so it doesn't tighten the stitches. A old lady comes with a wrap and wraps it around my stomach area to give support. I hear the siren of a police car. A black and white police car pulls up the the corner. A police officer with the best eyes I have ever laid my eyes on comes out of the patrol car.

"Okay. Mam'n, who did this to you?" He says sternly. I hesitate. Will this arrest him? Or will it just get him in trouble. I don't want to do it. "Hello Mam'n?" I take a deep breath. I finally reply, "Reluan Miridio."

Forced Love [MOVED TO ACCOUNT OTAKUFUYU AND RENAMED "CRITICAL"]Where stories live. Discover now