Chapter 2

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"Kodia Nia Adalia...would you make me so happy, to be my girlfriend?" I stare at the message. Did he. Did he just. He did. Oh dear god. "Yes! I will!" Next thing I know it, Reluan pops out of nowhere and hugs me from behind. "Thank you so much Nia." I don't respond back to him. A few seconds later he lets me go, "Nia...What's wrong? Is it cause I randomly popped out of nowhere? Do I seem like a stalker? I'm so-" I hush Reluan. "Promise me something, never leave me...okay?" Reluan puts his hand on his heart and says, "I, Relaun Miridio, promise to, Nia Adalia, that I shall never leave your side." My seriousness slowly turns into a smile on my face. Excitement builds up inside of me. I have never felt this type of excitement. It's thrilling and it feels if I don't let it out I'm going to explode. "YAY!" I jump into Reluan's arms and tackle him to the floor. "Oh. Uh. Sorry." Reluan laughs. "Come on, Let's get up and go to a soccer game." Oh dear god. He likes and watches soccer. How much I love him right now. Reluan stops for a second, "Wait. Kodia, is it okay if I call you Nia?" I smile at him, "You can call me whatever you want." He smiles and takes my hand and we walk away together to the game.

"Iciden Bears against Summerfest Dolphins."Oo how classy. It's two different climates.

1 hour and 30 minutes later...

"Want me to walk you home Nia?" I nod my head, "No No, it's okay." Reluan looks at me strangely, "Come on. You know you want me to." How does he know me so well. Jeez. "Okay fine. You win." Reluan grins and laughs, "I always do heh." I quickly look at him for a dramatic affect, "Not always heh." I dash ahead to race against him. Thank god that I decided to wear my indoor soccer shoes. These shoes have amazing grip. I hear Reluan's hard footsteps get louder, "Nia! Watch out!" I look back and see him trying his hardest to catch up. I look back foward and see a car coming. Shit. It starts to swerve, "Reluan! Stay where you are!" The car comes swerving at me, but then I jump onto the hood of the car, and run a bit onto the roof, then jump off. I roll a bit to take a bit of impact off of my feet. "Reluan, where are you!" I still see the car swerving down the sidewalk. Please tell me Reluan moved out of the way somehow. I hear a screech then I see the car hit a wall then bounce back. I see a shadow in front of the car. "RELUAN! NO!" I drop my bag and dash as fast as I can to reach Reluan before the car does. Suddenly I hear the car's wheels spin faster. Who is driving this thing! I see Reluan, but I also see the car at full speed swerving towards him. The car is only 2 feet away. I won't make it. I push myself more to reach him.

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeccchhhh. Crash.

"Nia NO!"

"Nia...Why. Why. Why did you push me." I smile. "Reluan. I'm going to be fine. As long as you're okay. I'll be fine." I can see tears starting to build up in his eyes. "Reluan, don't cry." I lift up my arm to wipe his tears away. "Listen Reluan. Don't worry. Don't cry. I'll be okay." Reluan grabs my hand, "This is all my fault. This is why I'm afraid of letting you go alone." I smile. "Reluan, just cause I'm on the floor pinned by a car, doesn't mean that I'm not alright." Reluan stares at me, tears rolling down his face. "But Nia! Look at you. You're bleeding from your stomach and have a cuts all over your body. You aren't alright!" I laugh a bit. When I laugh, I start to cough. "Nia. Don't push yourself anymore futher. You're going to injure yourself even more." I hear sirens coming down the street. "Was there anyone driving the car?" Reluan looks up and stretches his neck to see if anyone was in the driver's seat. "No. There is no one." That's strange. "Well I guess..I'll never know who did this then, but who cares. You're fine so I'm fine."

I hear the sirens pull up in front of the accident. I also hear footsteps running down the street. A hear a woman kneel down beside me. "Oh my god! Sweetheart! Are you okay!" I nod yes. I can hear people saying, "Push harder!" To move the car off of me. This is what brings me faith back into humanity. "Who did this to you? Do you know?" I nod no. "This happened to me cause I saved my boyfriend, He's the boy right next to me. I jumped in front of the car and pushed him out of the way. If I didn't I would be able to live with myself nor cause I know that I can handle getting ran over by a car, but I don't know if he can so that's why I did it." I look up at the lady. She's an EMT. "Oh sweetie, You're a hero." Ew. No. "We'll get you out of here as fast as we can. EMTS COME HERE! HELP ME PULL HER OUT!" I start to inhale and exhale slowly. "We're losing her!" I turn my head again towards Reluan. Reluan isn't there. He's pushing the car with all his might. I can hear the car creaking. Are they doing it? My vision starts to become blurry. "Honey..Stay with me." I nod, "I-I'll try..." It feels like someone is putting bricks unto my chest. It hurts....I slowly lift up my hand. I bring my hand over unto my chest. It's still here. I grip my necklace that is on my chest. "I can finally see you again Pa...and Mama." I turn my head to the lady. "Honey, you're becoming delusional, you're going to be fine." I turn my head to see Reluan, "R-Reluan...Call Salio." Reluan looks at me confused. "N-Nia why?" I use the last of my energy to respond, "Please. Do it." Reluan gets out his phone and dials Salio.

"Hello?" Salio answers. Reluan gulps, "Salio...N-Nia...she's..." Salio seems annoyed, "She's what?" Reluan screams into the phone, "SHE'S DYING SALIO!" I don't hear Salio. "S-Salio?" Reluan says into the phone. "Where is she." I hear Salio again. She's with me near her house. I hear the call end. "I think he's on his way." Oh Salio. I'm so sorry. I feel relief all around me. I look up. The car is off of me. "Oh my god." I hear one of the EMTs say. They lift me up and carry me unto a carriage. I hear the top EMT say, "Make her your FIRST priority! Go!" I hear them slam the doors of the ambulance. Am I really going to survive this? "WAIT! LET ME IN!" I hear 2 voices. Salio and Reluan. The EMTs quickly open then shut the doors once again. "Oh my god..Kodia. What happened?" Salio asks me in despair. Reluan answers before I can, "She saved my life. This would be me. I was walking her home then we started racing, who would get to her house first, but then a car swerved, somehow Nia escaped the 1st time, but then she somehow came sprinting back and pushed me out of the way and took the entire impact of the swerving car." I can feel Salio trembling. I don't know if it's fear or anger.

Suddenly, a burst of rage comes out within Salio. Salio grabs Reluan's shirt, "YOU ARE THE ONE TO PROTECT HER, SHE'S NOT SUPPOSE TO PROTECT YOU." Reluan doesn't reply. Salio lets go of his shirt, "You fucking piece of shit. Making her do that. You know she doesn't fear death nor does she care." I feel Salio's tears fall unto me. "Kodia, I'm so sorry. For leaving you with this fool." I open my eyes to see him, "Salio....It's okay. There's nothing t-t-to be sorry about." I stutter. I start to cough. "We need to get her to the hospital quick!" I hear an EMT yell. "She needs a helicopter escort! Now! Call them to pick us up in this exact spot! Pull over!" I hear the EMT dial the helicopter. "Okay. They are on their way. Just stay with us a little bit longer." The EMT that is patching my wounds suddenly yells, "Her ribs are collapsed! If one of her ribs puncture her lungs and if blood starts to go in....she'll be gone." Another EMT yells. "They're here! Go Go!" They quickly race down and out of the ambulance with the carriage in hand sprinting to the helicopter. "Where to?" The pilot asks. "Nearest and biggest hospital possible." The pilot replies, "Okay." An EMT is starting to yell again, "Excessive bleeding around her stomach! Not internal! Exessive bleeding! It's an open wound on her side!"

The pilot replies, "We're here!" The head EMT yells, "Lets go! Hurry! She can't hold on much longer." I start to cough. Harder. And harder. "Her lungs can't bear the pressure! Hurry!" We all enter the hospital, Reluan and Salio by my side. The secretary at the front desk exclaims on the microphone, "CODE RED! I REPEAT CODE RED ENTERING THE HOSPITAL! ALL FREE STAFF REPORT QUICKLY TO ROOM 383!" I feel the hallways start to spin all around me, "Concussion near the back of the head! If she loses consciousness its all over!" I can hear nurse running down the hall and then running beside me, she arches over to my ear, "Honey. Its your choice if you want to live or die. If you want to live, pull out all the power and energy that you have left out of you now...or never." I grip my necklace harder and close my eyes. "She's fighting it! She's fighting death!" We enter room 383. "Doctor help her please! She's fighting death with all her might that she has left. Please. We beg of you." I can feel the sense of desperateness in all their voices. Pleading to all the doctors. "Get her on the bed. We need 3 IVs. Get her life support and as many water packs that you can provide along with blood packs as well. Everyone scatters to gather the supplies needed. Do they really care about me this much. Some of these people I barely even know or recognize. "Get all the doctors the metal tools available too." Everyone gathers again. A doctor says, "Sweetie, open your mouth. You need to swallow every single pill I give you okay?" I nod. She gives me 4 pills, which I think are pain relievers, then she injects the 1 IV into my left arm and 2 IVs into my right arm. She installs the life support on me, then another doctor comes by, "Okay...This might hurt alot." I feel something being pulled out of me. Something sharp. I want to scream, but I don't. "Put her in a cast and quick around her chest. Along wrap her head tightly in the back for the concussion." I feel fear around me suddenly, "There is no more plaster for the cast!" An EMT exclaims. Suddenly I feel something as if someone had just stabbed my chest. "One of her ribs punctured through her lungs!" "We are losing her!" I feel the room starting to cave in....things spinning and my breathing slows. I guess they couldn't do it....I slowly fight..but my breathing slows. "I'm sorry."

Forced Love [MOVED TO ACCOUNT OTAKUFUYU AND RENAMED "CRITICAL"]Where stories live. Discover now