1 - A Shockingly Happy Reunion

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Sat alone in the living room of their small council home sat a dirty blonde haired woman. With the TV playing in the background to drown out the silence, the young female could be seen staring towards her hands. As if she was fixated to look at them, she'd refuse to look away. Questions would flood her mind, being confused as to what was happening to her. Jumping up onto her feet, the youngest Hilling sibling would make her way over to the mirror. Still stuck, looking at her hands, she'd stop in place.

"Am I going crazy?" She mumbled, shaking slightly from the fear inside her.

Stepping backwards, she'd surprisingly drop her arms. Taking a deep breath, her phone would begin to vibrate. Pulling it out of her pocket, she'd glance towards it to notice Sky was calling. Clicking the answer button, she'd hold the device against her ear.

"Hello?" She spoke normally, not wanting to worry her brother.

"Lola?" He replied, sounding impatient. "Get Ben and come to the front of the estate, now!"

"But... Why?"

"There's something... Or... Some people, that you need to see!"

As he finished his sentence, the call ended.

Rolling her eyes, Lola would turn to the hallway. Making her way out, she'd arrive in front of the stairs. Running up it, she'd carry on her walking until reaching her other brothers bedroom. Knocking on the door, she'd let herself inside a few seconds later. Before her was the same dingy and dark room as always, with Ben relaxing on his couch.

Hearing the sound of his door creak open, the young male would quickly turn his head towards the entryway. Spotting his sister standing before him, Ben would sit up. Giving her a small smile, he'd tilt his head.

"What's up?" He asked, sounding half asleep.

"It's Sky..." She explained. "He needs us... Now!"

His eyes would widen as he jumped onto his feet. Pulling on some trainers as well as throwing on a jacket, the boy was quickly ready to leave. Nodding towards Lola as a sign to say he's ready, the two would make their way downstairs. Shouting goodbye to their mother, who was somewhere in the house, they'd then leave. 

Looking around the outside of their home, the two siblings would quickly hurry on down the street. Making their way to the front of the estate, they would be quick on their feet. After several minutes of walking, they would finally arrive. Before them stood Sky with two people. As the pair studied them for a moment, they would gasp in shock. Stopping next to the three, Ben and Lola would look to them in surprise.

"Callum?" Ben spoke first, hardly believing who he saw.

"Megan..." Lola finished, half wanting to cry.

Two of their cousins, and also known as The Death Siblings, stood before them. Having not seen them in years, it really felt like a miracle for them to be there. The five were the best of friends as kids, but after their aunts death, the contact between the cousins began to drop.

Callum and Megan would smile awkwardly, looking at their family members.

"We're really sorry..." The male cousin would speak. "You see... We were invited by some madman to join some... Assassins..."

"What?" Lola coughed, being shocked.

"Yeah..." The female cousin would nod. "We spent years there becoming the best, but things there kind of... Went up in flames... So we came back... We called ourselves The Death Siblings and I guess we still do... But you Sky... You're a hero?"

Smiling slightly at his two cousins and two siblings, he'd nod.

"Yeah, call me Freight-Tale..." He'd then turn to Ben.

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