𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲

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"Melo wake up" I tapped his head trying to keep myself calm

Melo only stirred a little

"Lamelo Lafrance Ball wake your ass up" I yelled lightly stomping my feet I don't have time for this

I walk to the kitchen and I grab a cup and fill it with water before sitting it on the counter i had everything in the car but the baby's daddy

I took a deep breath before grabbing the cu and walked back upstairs into our room and poured the water on him

He jumped up looking around chocking a little looking around for the culprit

" baby why did you do that shit" he said getting out of the bed

" oh you know just went into active labor nothing major " as soon as the word labor left my mouth

He immediately started panicking

" with like the baby my baby we're having a baby yeah we're having a baby but like right now this isn't a prank" he said I just rolled my eyes rubbing my belly and I walked out of the room down the stairs

"Everything's in the car except you get dressed you have 30 seconds before I leave you Lamelo"

I slammed the door behind my getting in the passenger seat if the car

"Hello what's wrong lil bit" lavars loud voice went through my speakers

" I'm having the baby " I told him

"Are y'all at the hospital how far are the contractions lil bit"

"17 minutes apart we're in the way well be will be if your son gets his behind the the car soon here he comes meet us at the hospital " I said not hearing the response before ending the call

"Baby are you okay his the baby okay " he asked

"we will be if you drive us to the hospital "

Melo started starting driving and we got to the hospital and got checked in


"Alright honey you are ready do you want an epidural " the nurse asked melo wanted all female nurses because

"Only me you and our son we'll ever see what lies in paradise "

Which makes no sense because the female doctors will be my vagina but whatever

"No epidural ". I shook my head the needle made me nauseous just thinking about it

"Are you see this is the only time left before you start pushing otherwise it'll be to late" the nurse wanted to make sure

"Are you sure baby you want to do this natural" Melo asked grabbing my hand I shook my head yes I just wanted to get this over with and see my son


( i don't know how labor works so were skipping to the last push)

"One more push then your handsome baby boy will be here come on mama one big push " the nurse told me I was exhausted and aching

"Last one mama bring our son into the world" Melo wiped sweat from off my face an grabbed my hand and I started pushing

I heard my son crying then him being placed on my chest

"Mama you do it " I heard Melo say and kissed my head then our sons


"Here" I said after breastfeeding him and burping him handing him to Melo

"No thanks " he said with playing with his hands

I laughed

"It's cute you think you have a choice hold our son" i said giving him "the look"

He grabbed him out of my hands and supported him head and our son just melted in his hands opening his eyes slowly looking a Lamelo with love written all over his face

"He's amazing he's my son he looks just like me just with your color " he said

"I remember when you told me you were pregnant "

Flash back

"Hey baby what's this black box on the counter". Melo asked shaking it

" it's a gift for you open it" you told him inside the box was a build a bear teddy bear inside with our babies heartbeat inside

"It's a bear" he asked pressing the red heart in the bear and the heartbeat started playing

He raised his eyebrows at me and then back at the teddy bear he looks and back at me and he saw me resting my hands in my stomach

"You yo- your-" he stuttered out

"Yeah I'm pregnant " and he dug a little in the box and saw the ultrasound picture and dropped to his knees crying

"Baby a baby" he said and I nodded laughing and he smothered me in hugs and cooked cleaned and we went to sleep"

Flashback over

"Baby I said the family is coming tomorrow " Melo told me I nodded smiling

"Hey do you have a name " the nurse said knocking on the door

"Yes Legend Paris Ball" the after everything was done

After 16 hours of labor and 9 months he was here a 7 pounds 4 ounces 6inches long

"Thank you mama " Melo kissed me

"For what" I asked

"For him you should go to sleep I got him"

I laid my head down on the pillow looks at me son and husband and smiled and with that I was far asleep..

Yay don't forget to vote and comment - ms.authormam

Lamelo Ball Imagines(discontinued and unedited)Where stories live. Discover now