𝐒𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 (2)

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Previously on So This Is Love

" I don't want you Ana I want my family" the tall light skinned man said

" family" she said taking a step back with a look on her face he didn't understand but it was replaced by and smile.

She walked over to her fallen robe and grabbed something out of the pocket and hid it behind her back and did and little dance when she stepped to him.

End of recap

" I knew you didn't mean the whole not wanting me thing because now you want a family and I don't know how you could tell but I'm pregnant daddy we're going to be a family".

Ana said placing the test in his hands and sure enough it was positive and wrapped in an ultrasound photo this didn't mean that she actually was carrying his seed Google and Amazon have the same things available.

"sure you are look Ana I don't have time for this if you are pregnant and the baby is mine" he was cute off by Ana who was twirling a piece of hair on her finger.

"It is " she though she corrected making his turn one side of his lips up at her smacking his teeth.

📍At the Ball Estate in Chino Hills California

Lamelo's Pov

After whatever talk he had with Ana he left he still had to go see the family and explain this shit to them.

Granted he was grown but that still didn't excuse him from telling their family something if anyone needed to know something it would be them.

I opened the door and immediately wished I didn't

"Look who finally showed up what's the word boy" Lavar his fathers voice boomed across the living room.

3rd person pov:

"I did something" Lamelo said slowly walking to the couch he said hey to his mother and sat next to her.

Melo hadn't really processed what happened not all the way he just didn't process telling or loyal finding out.

He was honestly sacred shitless loyal wasn't someone you cheat on her was very hard to reach internally.

Loyal needed time to get to know the person and even that took a while she wasn't known to be someone who forgives easily.

Now it's dawning on him that Loyal is going to flip her shit when she finds out he knew she would and their wasn't anything going to save him hopefully she'd let him in the room.

" No shit bro" lonzo said shaking his head coming from upstairs most likely putting zoey down for her nap.

"Have you told her yet" Tina asked him rubbing his back she loves Loyal as her own and this was scarring as a family bit just on Lamelo.

" No she wasn't been on social media because of her new album and she wanted to get rid of all distractions" Lamelo informed them

" And you haven't told her yet how long as it been since it happened dip" lonzo asked he and their mother were doing the most specking on account of Lavar and Liangelo being pissed.

" I just couldn't she's been busting her ass creating a album about us and our love and relationship and she doesn't know what I did" Lamelo was cut off

" Ana " Lavar spoke up it was very rare when he didn't have anything to say but a miracle had happened he was at a lost for words.

"She's pregnant and she's saying it my baby" Lamelo said

" you know damn well that babies yours Lamelo" Lavars tone had gotten louder the more he went on with his words.

"Damn a baby " lonzo said lowly

Liangelo just shook his head he couldn't believe what his brother had done well he could the old melo was a hoe but to do this to Loyal that was unbelievable.

" Why haven't you told loyal" lavars voice boomed again at his youngest son

"I didn't want to hurt her I just couldn't" Lamelo said red in the face the longer this conversation went on the more he realized there was no coming back from this.

"You already did she just doesn't know" lonzo voice followed after his father he was pissed too everyone loved Loyalty as either a sister or a daughter.

She had helped them through a lot if she knew it or not she did they didn't doubt the relationship they were always in her side they know she would have never done this to him.

"I'm sorry" was all he could say as Lamelo thought about it it was true he did what he did he had already done the damage he's just putting tape over it and delaying the inevitable.

" I don't think you are son I really don't we're not the ones that needs to hear the shit she does right now call her" Lavar told his son with a look he rarely ever made his father this mad.

He hung his head low and let out a deep breath and picked up his phone so unprepared yet Informal.

"Don't bother I'm already here you got something you want to tell me".

Author speaking 🖊📝
This was part 2 part 3 is coming soon sorry for the wait.

Lamelo Ball Imagines(discontinued and unedited)Where stories live. Discover now