𝐉𝐫-𝐋𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥

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𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭

3𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐯Alana and Melo were taking 10 month old Loren to see the family it's been a while since they've seen her and me and melo thought it would be good

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3𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐯
Alana and Melo were taking 10 month old Loren to see the family it's been a while since they've seen her and me and melo thought it would be good.

"You got everything for her bae" melo asked his fiancé looking at their 2 year old daughter Loren.

"Yes bae please don't wake her " she warned melo.

" I wasn't going to but I miss my baby" he said knowing he was about to wake her up to play.

"You've been around her all the time" she said confused on what was he missing.

"Don't be jealous" melo said with a smile he knew how territorial their daughter was when it came to him.

She went as far a pushing, yelling and pouting you name it she did it to get you off her daddy.

Loren acted so much like her dad they were twins but she acted like her mother when it came to jealousy and melo.

"I'm not because saw you first" she fired back making my burst out laughing.

"Awe don't pout baby" he said they got in the jet and got settled.


The little family made it into the BBB home cheers of excitement to see the baby.

" WHERE MY GRANDDAUGHTER AT WHERE LITTLE LOREN" lavars voice boomed as soon as they reached the doorway.

Instantly they stopped moving to not further startle her hoping she wasn't awake she if she was she'd fall back to sleep"

"SHE SLEEPING" lavars voice spoke out again trying to whisper.

" yea pops" Lamelo spoke

"Oh take her in here" lavar had said in a a normal tone

They carried her into the living room and Tina and lavar aw'd at the sleeping baby

After laying Loren down upstairs they decided to watch a movie all together as a family with Lonzo,Liangelo,lavar,Tina,melo,Alana in that order.

A loud bang sounded through the house from the tv.

"You think jr woke up" melo asked Loren who scrunched her face co fused again.

"Jr?" Alana repeated as if trying to jog her memory

"Loren" melo said getting frustrated looking at her with a " why you so slow" look.

" don't look at me like that how was I to know who the fuck jr was we don't have a son" she said getting up to go check.

Walking into the room seeing Loren trying to keep her head up she had rolled over on her belly looking around.

"Hi mamas baby" Alana picked her daughter who babbled walking back to where everyone else was the lights were turned back on and everyone was just talking.

"m m- m" Loren started grabbing everyone's attention she was about to say her first word

"Mama" Alana coached Loren stared at her mom before starting again looking around the room.

"Ma -m" Loren said still looking back and fourth between her mom and the room.

"Ma" Loren paused

"Ma dada" she said turning around and looking at melo making grabby hands to him ignoring a shocked Alana

"The audacity" was all Alana could get out melo came up taking his daughter out of her hand screaming.

"YESSSIR JR" he yelled making her giggle

"Aye sis over there stuck" gelo yelled out making everyone look at a frozen Lana with her mouth open blinking.

"She shocked" zo said laughing Lana unfroze walking over to the couch with a pout.

"The nerve the plain nerve then she looks just like him at that had the nerve to Ma like she was going to say mama"

" you should've known my twin" he said and they went to to eat dinner and everyone just  had a great time.

Author ✍️ speaking
Hi I know this was kinda awful but I've been working on something and it wasn't done but I wanted to post something for y'all.

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