𝐒𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞?

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Lamelos Pov:

As soon as a I wake up I feel this heaviness on my chest and I lay eyes again on you laying peacefully on my chest I slowly uncover your face that was being blocked by your hair.

The dash of memories of what we did last night warming my face spearing a smile all across my face I understand my urge to wrap myself up in your arms.

I love the day already

I love you so much i never want to so much as cause a frown on your perfect face always ready to do whatever to see those cute cheeks heat up with love in the form of a smile.

Why can't you see that

I love spending that days with you I understand why people say if they could stay with someone all day they would they aren't just saying things this is what I wish I could be doing all day.

The only thing I would change is instead of just the throw of us I want it to be the three of us me, you, and our child.

Dressing them up taking care of them teaching them helping them learning to understand them I want it all I need it all with you.

Having you give life to my children being there with you as you bare it you holding your baby man that's a sight I want to see.

I hope you'll understand why I did what I did but I know you've thought about it we've talked about our dream.

Yes we're young but this is bound to happen this is going to happen it's happening.

This is infinite that was temporarily

Here you are in my arms waking up my face the first thing you see every morning remember this please.

Everything will line up soon and this is just the beginning.

"Hi baby you sleep good" the first thing your worried about is me.

"I did I have you do you have anything to do today " I ask you making you stop and think for a second so hard your nose twitches a little.

"No I finished the album and now I'm waiting for the okay call back to release it do you have anything going on" you informed me as you started to get out of bed without tapping the sheet with you when you got up.

My baby fine

"I'll just head over to my dads house zo wants to talk to us " I partially lied I was going to my dads just not immediately.

"Alright you want anything to eat before you go I can get in the shower after" you asked me

"I'm fine mama get in the shower I'll be back before 11" I said looking at the time 8:14

"Alright babe love you be safe " and with that I heard the shower turn on and the door close.

I threw on some Lafance merchandise a Green Lafrance hoodie with the matching sweats and some white Airforce 1's

I got into my jeep finally taking my phone off dnd I've been monitoring my notifications here and there.

Gelo🦍❤️ -12 minutes ago
Did you tell her yet?

This is serious bro she needs to know.

Lil dip 💚
And she will I'm coming over in a little bit

Is dad still pissed g ?

Seen now

I just shook my head and out my phone down and started to drive to L.A's Downtown luxury apartments.

I hate what happened here
What I did

I got an an out of body type feeling being in here walking down the halls to the elevator clicking the same floor and eventually seeing the door.

"Baby your back " Ana said and leaned in to kiss my the way her lips puckered was making me sick you didn't do that when we kissed.

" No what's it going to take for this to go away Ana ". I said trying to make this clear

She looked taken aback by the way she stepped back when those words rolled off my tongue.

" sure you do " she said titling her head to the side but still inviting me in.

" I'm serious leave us alone what happened didn't happen to her so what's this going to take to make this not happen for you" i gestured between us taking with my hands

"You don't regret it you just hate that she has to know now" she said folding her arms with a smile.

" I regret every moment I spent in that bed with you" I corrected her with a little base in my tone.

" really so if it was so bad why are doing  it again" she said in confused but then she opened her robe.

Fuck she would look amazing in that set

I stepped back

"Ana I said no I don't want you I want my family" I said trying to remain calm but she want getting it.

"Family it's family you want and family your getting daddy" she said and walked to where she had dropped her robe and grabbed something out of the pockets.

Author ✍🏾📝
This was short but very informal but next part will be out soon I wanted to break it up but I feel like we all know what it is.

Lamelo Ball Imagines(discontinued and unedited)Where stories live. Discover now