idk wtf to title this.

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i arrive at school the next day, exhausted from the lack of sleep the night before. That was an odd dream, especially since it was with Eddie, he's my best friend and he has been since we were kids, I can't ruin what we have, I really can't. 

[time skip- lunch in the cafeteria]

I feel someone put their hands on my shoulders, I look up to see Eddie, "good morning sweetheart, are you okay?" he says softly, 

"I'm fine eddie, just didn't sleep well" I mutter,

"Remember what I said? Call me when you can't sleep, I'll come over, you need to sleep"

i knew that, but I didn't want to trouble him, he needs the sleep himself, and I feel bad if I do it. I'll consider it next time though. Eddie take a seat next to me, and I rest my head in his shoulder, slowly dozing off, he smiles and puts his hand over my shoulder bringing me into his chest as he rubs my shoulder. i love this, I love him, but he can't know, what if he thinks I'm a weirdo? or what if he never wants to see me again. I can't cope without him, I really can't. 

Eddie Munson <33Where stories live. Discover now