Chapter 7: Keep Smiling

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Four days pass by without anything major happening. The heroes heading out to help greater Japan, left on the second day, and you are still sleeping on the Midoriya's couch. On the fifth day, Shoto wakes you up early in the morning, before explaining the phone call he just got from his father. "The call I just got from my old man is really concerning. He went to join the big military convoy acting as a final stand, and after I answered his call, the only thing I could hear were explosions and screams. Then absolute silence. No smoldering ground, blowing wind, animals, breathing...nothing. As if the line went dead. That lasted about thirty seconds before the call ended, and I haven't been able to get in contact with him or anyone else with the convoy since." Shoto explains breathlessly, clearly very shook up. "Shit...get as many people at the agency as we can on reaching out to anyone we can outside the barrier. We need to find out what happened." Shoto rushes off, and Ochako comes and sits down beside you. 

"What are we gonna do, (Y/n)? Everything feels hopeless." You wrap an arm around her shoulders, and she rests her head on your shoulder. "I know. Our world has collapsed beneath us, but we still have reasons to smile. We have each other, and our other friends. We have our children, even if it may not be all of them. If we lose hope, we lose everything." you force a smile, "We need to make sure that nobody else goes through what we have. We will fight the battles, so the future generations never need to." you explain. "Thank you, (Y/n), I needed that." Ochako stands back up with a smile on her face, "Let's keep smiling, together." she offers you a hand up, and you stand in front of her. "Agreed. Together."

Evening comes quickly, and before you know it the lights all throughout the compound shut off. While they are preparing for bed, you approach Ochako and Izuku. "I'm leaving the dome for a while." you say abruptly, "(Y/n)! You can't leave again, what will Kyoka say?" Ochako asks, "Not for long. I need to visit Mina. I promised I would." you explain. The two of them share a quick glance, before looking at you sadly, "Bring Kyoka with you. Please." Izuku says, almost begging. "Alright. If we aren't back by morning, don't look for us. Because you wouldn't like what you found."

You and Kyoka leave through the only hole in the wall, and start the fifteen minute walk to the cemetery. You both walk in silence, right up until you arrive at the gates of the cemetery. "(Y/n) I'm sorry you have to sleep on their couch. I really wish you would come back." She says, tears forming in her eyes. "I do too. But what's best for Alex is that I stay away for now." you hug her tightly, "I love you, Kyoka." you kiss her on the forehead and start walking down the familiar path. You navigate straight to Mina's tombstone, but when you get close you freeze in your tracks. Right next to Mina's grave, sits a tombstone in front of a small, freshly dug, grave. On the nameplate, you read the name: Minako Jiro.

"Oh god..." you feel the tears start to flow, and as you fall to your knees, Kyoka wraps her arms around your head. "We held the funeral while you were away. There wasn't much to bury, but I felt it would be right to bury her by her aunt." Kyoka whispers. You force yourself to move forward, and sit with your head on Mina's gravestone. "Hey, Mina. God, it feels like an eternity since I last updated you. Minako is dead. Mishi is dead. Tooru is dead. So many of our friends are dead. The world has gone to shit. I'm not sure whether the next time we talk will be like this or in another goodbye for now. I love you, little sister. So much."

Kyoka leads you back home, your hand clenched in yours the whole way, and before you know it, you come to consciousness the next morning in your own bed, holding Kyoka close to you. "I don't know what to do. Should I give myself time to mourn, or focus on the task at hand?" you ask Kyoka, "When other people are looking, you need to be a leader. The Protector. But when it's just me? I can be your protector, if you need. Whatever feels right to you." you start sobbing immediately and just hold Kyoka for a while, processing every emotion at once, letting the bottled feelings burst. Then you blink and it's gone. You get up and get dressed, before leaving the room to start the day.

Downstairs, you find Shoto working with six other employees, all trying to contact various outside sources. "How are things going?" you ask, "We got confirmation from Chargebolt that the convoy has been wiped out. We don't know by what, but they went radio silent and then when people went looking for them, they found crater a mile wide. No explosion was heard, no mushroom cloud of any sort, just a crater." Shoto explains. "Fuck...anything else?" "Twice is a big help right now in and around Tokyo, he is able to handle crime almost by himself. Anima has eyes and ears all throughout the Koreas and a large chunk of Russia, but beyond that there don't seem to be any animals left. We are in contact with most of the abroad heroes now, or at least the ones still alive, and there has yet to be a sighting of anything yet." Right as Shoto finished his sentence, someone behind you starts shouting. 

"Comicman just reported an angel of death sighting!" they yell. "He says it is flying high above the ground, maybe 200 meters, about 320 km/h. It is heading straight towards him, Vine, and Emily!" "Get them out of there!" Shoto screams, "Retreat! I repeat, do not engage!" you rush over and take the headset from them, and put it on yourself. "This is The Protector, please get out!" you listen closely as a girl screams and then abruptly stops. Your gut drops as it happens again, but a slightly different scream. "Sorry, (Y/n). I hope this works. BANG!" you hear Fukidashi activate his quirk, and a moment later you feel the ground tremble slightly "Where were they sent to?" you ask calmly, "Shanghai, China." "Consider that area destroyed. Warn everyone that a tsunami may hit Japan's southern borders. Because Comicman might have just destroyed the angel of death, but he had to detonate himself as well." "That rumbling?" Shoto asks, you nod and he looks down solemnly. "Let's hope it was enough."

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