Chapter 1: As the days go bye

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Since the day Peter agreed to the training lets just say that he was in for a treat

months 1-3: For the most part he spent these three months training his physical attributes with little to no rest due to the fact that when he sleeps he is sent to his mind scape to do extra training. All of this with the help of the Hanmas and Anansi

Month 4: Here his mentors told him to test himself against the prisoners. Safe to say that no one really gave him a proper challenge especially Rhino though after their fight the two decided to have a chat like old times when the two weren't doing their jobs. The two chatted and Rhino told him about how the other villains knew about Oc's plan and the reason why they didn't appear when Superior Spiderman happened was so that they don't get hurt by Oc cause they know that even if Peter wounded them badly, he was always careful not to lose control of his strength and that got some of them to respect him though Kraven wished that he went all out on him in their future hunt outside of the raft. Peter agreed to his terms but warned him that he should check his health insurance before they fight cause he wont hold back like he asked. Kraven didn't say anything after that but silently told made sure to remember himself to check his insurance. For the most part this month was rather eventful. And surprisingly enough he was hable to befriend Kingpin after he saved him from some members of the white dragon. The two got along pretty well as Fisk enjoyed that Peter finally saw the light (in his words) and is no longer the annoying pest he once was.

Months 5-7: Peter once more trained with the help of Baki who showed him how to shadow box though Yujiro thought that this was ridiculous cause your just punching imaginary people. Yuichiro and Anansi stepped up the difficulty of his training with Yujiro sort of helping and he was relentless

Soon enough these training bare fruit as Peter was stronger faster and taller and getting a bigger confidence boost that changed his personality a bit thanks to the Hanma genes. Almost everyone in the prison stayed away from him that is until Maria Hill came to the raft yo check on the inmates(more specifically Peter) and when she found out about what he did in his time here she went over and made her presence known to Peter and she tried to "show him" why she was the put in charge of Shield...... lets not talk about what happened and lets just say that she follows Peters order to a T from now on without the outside world(manly heroes) knowing it(And I know what some of you are thinking and the answer is no. he just humiliated her and scared the living shit out if her.). After this his life on the Raft actually went swimmingly peaceful for the most part. One of those days was even better seeing that he had a visit from someone special.

We currently see Peter meditating in his room when suddenly he heard his cell door open. He looked up to see a female warden enter the room

Peter: *serious* Is there a problem officer?- he questioned

Officer: Can a girl visit her lover?- she questioned and Peter instantly recognized the voice

Peter: *surprised but Happy* Felicia?- he said in a low voice

The officer took of her hat and wig to show Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat

Felicia: *smirk* Miss me tiger?

Peter: *gets up* Like you wouldn't believe- he said as he walked over to her and kissed her

Felicia accepted the kiss and the two stayed like ghat for a while till they separated due to lack of oxygen

Felicia: Man I missed those lips of yours- she said with a smile

Peter: *chuckles* Glad to see ghat you didn't change dear. *raised eyebrow* But im guessing there is something else? Also is Aunt May ok?

Felicia: She is perfectly fine Peter don't worry and *pulls out a small glass container from between her chest* someone wanted to see you

Peter looked at the container and was surprised

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