HE WAS THE sun, she was the moon. He burned people, she gave light in the darkness. He was candescent, she was hidden. Beautifully tragic, two souls combined in a flurry of love, destruction, ashes, and magic.
marked mature because it gets dark late...
┌───────────────────┐ chapter three: welcome to hogwarts! word count: 3.4K warnings: stuff i wrote when i was tired and sleepy, writing that isn't proofread, proof that i had social anxiety as a child bc idk how to make friends, stuff i wrote while being high on iced coffee └───────────────────┘
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TIME HAD BEEN ANYTHING BUT MERCIFUL towards the Potter the entire week. She had flipped through the whole History of Magic, successfully managed to find a name for her owl - Estrella, after the Spanish name meaning star -, practiced the wand movements from the books, read through the Muggle textbooks, and even been a cat-sitter for her neighbor, who was also her music teacher, on three occasions.
Her 'family' hadn't bothered her at all. Aunt Petunia gave her her meals in her room, and Dudley kept his distance after his incident with Hagrid. Uncle Vernon hadn't given a rat's arse about her earlier, and he continued with the same.
She felt free, having the independence to finally go out of the house and roam the streets, and go to the park and swing on the swings, and go to the library and just linger around and read any book she found, simply because she could do all those things now.
Now that the day of her departure to Hogwarts was finally here, she couldn't suppress her excitement. She wasn't used to such excitement in the first place, so she couldn't hide it if she wanted to.
Her trunk was all packed up the night before with her books and her clothes - not like there were many. Her head was all tied up neatly, - well as neat as possible, and her clothes were picked out for the day. She could barely sleep at night with her head swarming with thoughts and speculations about her time at Hogwarts, but she was barely aware of what was to come.
A little hum stuck in the back of her throat, hurried steps and a little worried frown now etching on her head, she couldn't help but feel anxious thoughts creep up like shadows in the night, lingering in the back of her mind.
"What if the train leaves me? What if I'm not actually a witch and Hagrid got the wrong person? What if I can't make it to the platform in time? What if I don't find the platform at all? I'm sure Auntie Loony Tunes and Uncle Vernon won't have me back."
When Hagrid gave her the ticket, he didn't exactly give her directions on how she would have to get to the platform.
She was sure it wouldn't just pop up in broad daylight, considering that was how Diagon Alley was found.
Her slightly larger shoes dragged her through the crowd hustling to get to work, some muttering 'sorry' when they bumped into her, others simply giving her nasty looks as if the child were the sole reason for their delay.