chapter thirteen ▹ dobby

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trigger warning: slight allusion towards abuse (towards azzie). tread with caution, you're always more important <3 and we're back with a new installment so yeah, a new warning for swears.

THE AFTERNOON SUN blinded Castor. He didn't care though — it was a nice day, a nice picnic with a nice girl. 

It wasn't something he'd initiated, but he did want something like this. It was his birthday — the first chapter in the fifteenth volume of his life. And he couldn't help the fact that his father could read him like a book. 

Just that morning, his father had announced — rather regretfully, for some reason — that most of his afternoon would be spent in the conference room with the Monegasque prince who had been misinformed of the conference being held on 31st July, instead of 3rd August. 

How it happened, they didn't know. Anyway, Castor didn't mind — they celebrated his birthday at dinners anyway. 

But then Prince Alexandre showed up with his daughter, Emilia, and Castor was sure she could see the hearts in his eyes. 

And so, while the fathers discussed whatever it was they needed to discuss — Malcolm had shared the details with Castor but why would he care enough to listen? — the kids were in the garden, initially having a picnic, then running around and causing a bloody ruckus, then snogging behind a tree. 

And when they had dinner in their parents bedroom that night, munching on burgers and pizza and all different kinds of fast food, he couldn't have wised for a better fifteenth birthday. 

The same couldn't be said for Azalea Potter. 

She laid on her back in her room, gazing out of the window, squinting at the wild afternoon sun that she could not enjoy. Not anymore, since she was admitted the Hogwarts. The only time she was allowed out of the house anymore was when she had to attend summer school. 

And what made it worse was the fact that none — absolutely none — of her friends had written to her. Not a single letter. All summer long. 

What a miserable life she led. She sighed as she rolled on her side and stared pitifully at Estrella all locked up in her cage. Vernon hadn't been very kind to Azalea, so it was borderline insane to think that he'd be kind to her pet. 

She had to make up an excuse of having to have a mandatory pet just so Vernon wouldn't kick the poor owl out of the house. 

She might as well have stuffed her face in the pillows and suffocated herself when Petunia called out for her. 

"Coming, Aunt Petunia!" she screamed back when Petunia called for her for the third time. 

Dragging her half dead body out of bed, she made her way to the kitchen, tying her untamed waves in a low knot on the way. 

Back to work. 

Three hours of cooking and baking and grilling and cleaning, and she was free to go. 

She wanted to laugh. Free? In this house? Never. 

Azalea grabbed a few scrap newspapers to do origami with, almost tripping on her way up the stairs, resisting the urge to flip Dursley off when he laughed at her. She had barely stepped a foot in the room when Estrella squawked excitedly at seeing her. Her smile vanished when Vernon called her again, and this time, she groaned loud enough for it to be heard downstairs. 

"What was that, you brat?" 

"Nothing, nothing at all!" Azalea threw the papers on her bed, making her way down the stairs once more. "Coming, uncle Vernon!"

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