▹ (i) | "this feels nice." [a. potter]

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(i) | "this feels nice." [a. potter]

azalea's age in the chapter: 5

song for the chapter: we go together, from grease

. . . 

THE AGE OF 5 was deemed an age of development and growth, one where the child was not to be reprimanded, but rather, showered with love, care, and concern: to show them that there was someone who'd always be there for them, no matter what the circumstances might be. 

Thankfully, Azalea Potter received most of what a normal 5 year old would. 

She got to go to school. Every morning, after 'Auntie Looney Tunes' and 'Uncle Walrus', as she'd nicknamed them, would drop her off, she would go straight to her teacher's table to present either some flowers she'd plucked carefully, or a painting she'd made the night before. Sometimes, she would make small letters with words she would try to spell accompanied with drawings of herself and her friends and clouds and the sun and her teacher, and then, would steal some envelopes from her uncle's office in the house. She would carefully fold the letter after she was sure the glitter and paints had dried, and next, the envelope was taped and ready to grace her teacher's table. 

She adored Mrs. Emma, her music teacher. Mrs. Emma was beautiful: she was slightly short, with big doe eyes, and curly ebony hair that were almost always pulled back in a bun. Her freckled cheeks and tanned skin, and cheerful grin were warm enough to calm many kids and attract them to her. Her voice was melodious, and she would never, ever lose her temper, no matter how big of a tantrum a kid might throw. 

Azalea's morning ritual included marching inside the school with complete confidence, smiling at everyone she made eye-contact with, greeting Mrs. Charlotte (her class teacher) a very cheerful 'good morning', and lastly, singing a rhyme or a small song with Mrs. Charlotte. 

Mrs. Emma mainly attracted Azalea because of the amount of instruments she could play. Every class, she would be ready with a new instrument and a song for her kids, and everyone would be in awe of her mellifluous voice and dancing fingers. Some days, it would be a guitar, some days, a keyboard, some days, a drum set, but Azalea's favourite were the cello and the violin. 

Mrs. Emma didn't bring out the cello or the violin often, because she knew that the majority of class would go to a snooze in the middle of the song because of the instruments' dulcet tunes. The days she did bring them out, she would have Azalea wait back and play extra songs for her, simply because she knew how much the young girl adored the strings and their tones.  

Mrs. Emma also spoke many languages. It was a sunny day in Whinging when she'd been conversing with one of the teachers in the hallway in Italian, that the Potter had overheard the strange words leaving the teachers' lips so smoothly. The next day, Azalea  had finally gathered the courage to ask Mrs. Emma if she could learn the strange language she had heard, and Mrs. Emma had chuckled at the curious child before agreeing to teach her the basics of the language. 

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