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Hi guys i am here. So i think you all read the Intro and know about the characters. And yeah i want to make idols as the parents and relatives of the main characters😁.

OK so lets get into the first part💖.

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At park mansion.

Jimin- Mom i don't want to marry anyone.

Baek- Why? Its our decision jimin you want obey us.

Jimin- I said that i have a girl friend and i will only marry.

Chan- Lets see. *stare at him*

Jimin- Dad plss.

Chan- Jimin i gave you 15min. Go and get ready.

Jimin- Dad plss.

Baek- Jimin!! *slightly yell*

Jimin- *go to his room in anger*

Time skips~~
At another place.

Mariam- Oh my daughter look so beautiful.

You- Thanks mom.

Mariam- Are you ready.

You- I am nervous.

Mariam- Why? i am sure that he will like you for sure.

You- Really. Ok then lets go. *smiles and left with her*

???- Dad they are here.

Jackson- Yeah.

Chan- Hy Mr.jackson

Jack- Hy Mr.Chanyeol welcome. *shake hands*

Chan- Thankyou. *smiles*

Baek- Jimin come.

Jimin- Yeah.

Jack- Oh so this is my son in law *smiles* welcome son.

Jimin- Thanks uncle *forced smile*

Then they talk about so many things.

Baek- Where is she?

Chan- Yes we didn't see her, call her.

Jack- Hyun go and call them.


Age: 20Brother of YN wang and Son of Markson

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Age: 20
Brother of YN wang and Son of Markson.
Studying in: Stray kids university seoul.

Hyun- Ok dad.

Mari- I think they are here we should go now. Don't be scared ok?

You- Yes mom.

Hyun- Noona they wants to see you.

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