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Hoiii...... I am back my jam's. From now onwards you're my Mochi's jams. I am mochi you're jams. Ok😁😜.... ok then lets get into the story.

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After some days~~~~

Now jimin have some feelings for yn and he realise that he loves yn. Yn always there for jimin and she always support him for everything.

One day at night 11:45pm.

Now jimin is in office he is preparing some files. After he done he got to the ceo's cabin and handed the file to namjoon.

RM- Is it done jimin?

Jimin- Yes sir *mobile rings* pcchh... *look at the mobile and look at them and cut the call*

RM- Is there any- *again mobile rings*

Jimin-*cut the call* Yes sir you need anything?

RM- No... Is there anything left?

Jimin- Nothing sir..... *mobile rings and look at the phone and sighs*

Suga- If its urgent then take it..

Jimin- ....... T-thank you sir. *Go and take the call*


Jimin- Hello...

???- Jiminshi where are you? how many times i call you? Why didn't you pick my calls? When will you come? Do you eat anything? Huh!?

Jimin- *chuckled* Hey yn i will come soon don't worry okey its over i will come soon.

You- Ok *pouts*

Jimin- Did you eat anything?

You- No...

Jimin- Why? You eat i will eat after i come okay?

You- No.. I will eat after you come.. come fast.

Jimin- *smiles* okey bye...

You- Bye.

End of call.

Jimin- *Came back* Sir if there is anything yet can i go?

RM- Yes jimin.. you can *smiles*

Jimin- Thank you sir.

Suga- Uhmm.... BTW who called you?

Jimin- Ahm... Its my wife.

Suga- Ooh your so called gf become your so called wife?

Jimin- No she is not my wife... My wife name is yn.

Suga- Is she also like your so called gf? *smirks*

Jimin- NO... *Yells*

Members- *shocked*

Jimin- *Came to reality* Uh-uhmm sorry i need to go *bows at them and left from there*

Jhope- If he react like that when we say about his wife my mind says she is a good girl.

Suga- Mmh whatever we don't need to think about him😏(😌)

Kookie- Hyung lets go to his home?

Tae- Yes hyung😀.

Suga- No way!!

Kookie- Aah wae?

Suga- No need for that..

RM- Comeon hyung we know that you still care about him and you're acting like you don't care about him right?


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