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Mochi jam coming back..... Long time no see huh!?😝

Hey there! How are you all? I hope you're doing well and enjoying my story. Then lets get into my story.

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•1.5 year later•

Yn and jimin is peacefully sleeping in their room. Then after sometimes jimin wake up and look at yn who is sleeping with a cute pout on her face. He smiled at her cute sleeping figure.

Jimin- Yn-ah wake up baby its 9:15.

Yn- *Groaning in her sleep*

Jimin- Wake up. You say that you want to go outing today and you're sleeping here. WAKE UP.

Yn- *shocked* What? what happened!?

Jimin- Wake up.

Yn- Kiss *show her lips to him kiss her*

Jimin- *smiles and kiss her*

Yn- Go and take shower i will make breakie.

Jimin- OK.

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Yn is about to get ready then jimin came.

Jimin- Ynaah you go and get ready i will come now after buying the grocery ok?

You- Uhm.. Ok.

Then he go after few minutes she heared the calling bell.

You- Huh? Did he come so soon? *Open the door and saw a lady standing there.*

You- Who are you miss?

???- Is this park jimin's house?

You- Yeah. And who are you?

???- Please move away *push her and get inside*

You- What the hell? Hello who are you?

???- Who are you to Jimin?

You- I am his wife.

???- Then i am his girl friend and soon to be his wife. *smirk*

You-Huh what!? No way he only loves me then you *scoffs*impossible.

???- Look I have proof. *show her some pic* Look we know from childhood. Our marriage was fixed from childhood.

You- *tears formed in her eyes* No its not possible.

???- Then call him and say to come here then you will believe.

You- *Immediately get her phone and call him.*


Jimin- Hello yn what happened?

You- Where are you now? *cold tone*

Jimin- I am on the way wae?

You- Within 5 min I want you to be here.

Jimin- Why what-- *call ended*



Jimin- Yn what happened? *comes there*

???- Jimin oppa.

Jimin- Oh!!!!! You came? *go and hugs her*

???- *crying* I miss you so much. *sobs*

Jimin- I miss you too. Oh my cry baby is back don't cry.

You- So you were cheating on me right?

Jimin- What?

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