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Hello guys welcome back, long time no see😁.

Let's get into the story.

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They reached home and get inside. They both were very tired so they get freshup and had their dinner then slept😴.


Chanyeol, Baek and Hana came early morning. But Jimin and yn were sleeping peacefully. Suddenly yn heard calling bell so she wake up and welcome them by opening the door.

Baek- Did you sleep well dear? *smiles and caressed yn's cheeks.*

You- Yes mom. I will go and make some food. *about to go*

Chan- Oh noo we already brought it your mother in law makes it.

You- Oh really!?

Baek- Yes you go and fresh up call jimin also he didn't wake up right?

You- No, then I will go and get shower. *go to upstairs*


Jimin just woke up and search for yn but she was not there. Suddenly the door burst open. But it was not yn. Then who it is!!?👀

Its Hana.

Hana- Oh you woke up?

Jimin- Yeah why are you here?

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Jimin- Yeah why are you here?

Hana- *teasy look* Mmhh oppa did something happen yesterday? *shy and slightly slap on his biceps.*

Jimin- What!?

Hana- Did you guys do it?

Jimin- GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Jimin- GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(Avoid the mic)

Hana- *runs away*

You- What happen? *confused look*

Jimin- Nothing. Did mom and dad come?

You- Yes. *she go to bathroom.*


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