P-15 (END)

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So lets get into the last chap i hope you all like this story🙂.

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4 Months later~~

Its been four month since hana and taehyung got together again and they are going smoothly their marriage is two days later. So everyone is busy with the decoration and etc.... Jimin and yn is also going well but sometimes jimin cant handle her mood swings it get worse some times but he is enjoying it thinking its bcs of his baby. He dont allow her to do anything. He is been with her from her 8th month he was work from home.

You- Let me do something i dont want to sit like a statue which is watching everything happens here.

Jimin- You don't need to do anything we are here.

You- Please🙁 *puppy eyes*

Jimin- *glare at her*

You- You dont love me in these days i know *wipe her tears*

Jimin- *Shocked*

Jimin- Oh sh!t What happened!? I didnt say anything?

You- No dont come to me i hate you..

Jimin- I love you too😉..

You- *pout*

Jimin- Here ice cream🍨.

You- 😃😋.

Jimin- *kiss her cheeks*


Hana is calling taehyung..


Tae- Then what are you doing now?

Hana- Nothing just sitting here in my room.

Tae- How is everything going there?

Hana- It's good what about there?

Tae- Almost everything going to be done.

Hana- Did you eat lunch?

Tae- Ahh yes.. Did you?

Hana- Mmm and i am sleepy now.

Tae- *chuckles*  Oh mom is calling i will call you later.

Hana- Ok bye....




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