Chapter Twenty-Five: The Missing Link.

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Kakashi POV

As we surrounded the five rogue shinobi I could sense everyone's disappointment as we noticed the one missing person from the group. Beth. I felt the mood between us all drop significantly. I knew none of us believed it would be that simple, that as soon as we located Beth we would be able to capture her without a fight. But I was sure we never expected that she would abandon her group of companions.

I recognised Tayuya who had changed significantly since I'd last seen her, when she and the rest of the sound ninja four were assisting Orochimaru in his attack on the Leaf Village. Her scarlet hair was styled in a different way, her fringe fuller and styled in an old fashioned manner. Her long locks of red hair were slightly curled at the bottoms. Her clothing was also different, unlike the usual fashion of Orochimarus followers, Tayuya wore almost complete black. Long skin-tight pants similar to those worn by ANBU black ops in Konoha, a fitted black jacket zipped up tight making sure to cover any exposed skin. She also wore knee-high black combat boots. For someone who favoured combat at a distance, she was dressed for close-quarter combat.

Beside Tayuya was a young male approximately the same age as Beth herself, maybe a few years her senior. He wore no expression of worry as we forced him back towards his companions, his face instead decorated with a smug smile. His snide smile reminded me of Sasuke in his younger years when his ego was his biggest nemesis. Aside from him and Tayuya were three other individuals. A girl with messy red hair and black glasses, a tall boy with a wide build and orange hair, and another boy with long white hair and purple eyes.

"Do you want to divide our opponents equally? Or are they all fair game?" The boy with the purple eyes remarked, smiling in the direction were Team Gai stood.

"No. We've no reason to fight." Tayuya barked in response. "Suigetsu, if you want to be useful, go and find Beth. Her times up." With a look of disapproval the boy referred to by Tayuya as Suigetsu melted into the ground, his physical form changing into water. Reforming outside of the surrounding ring of my comrades he spoke directly to Tayuya before disappearing completely.

"I don't know why I let you all treat me like a slave."

Tayuya seemed to ignore the comment as she refocused on Naruto, Sasuke and I who stood directly in front of her. Naruto was the first to address Tayuya, his voice calm however I wasn't expecting it to stay that way for long.

"Where is Beth?" he asked, his eyes focused solely on Tayuya.

"Didn't you just hear me ask Suigetsu to go and find her? I have no idea where she is." Tayuya responded. Her answer, although disheartening to almost everyone present, was given without a shred of malice. "Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji, Choji, nice to see you all are still in one piece." Her tone was general, as if addressing old acquaintances and not enemies.

"Why would we believe you?" Sakura asked.

"Why would I lie to you."

"Tayuya, we don't have time for this." The boy beside Tayuya commented, leaning towards her. Tayuya simply waved him off.

"Trust me Kouta, I know how dire the situation is." Kouta shook his head at Tayuyas comment before turning towards Sasuke.

"So this is the famous Sasuke Uchiha. Huh, doesn't seem all that special to me." At this Sasuke reacted, taking a few steps towards Kouta and punching him square in the jaw. Retaliating Kouta lunged for Sasuke before being pulled back by Tayuya.

"I don't know if you heard me Kouta, but I said we have no reason to fight. So you and your testosterone need to calm down." Tayuya spoke with authority, like a leader commanding her subordinates. She reminded me of Beth in some ways. I wondered if all the time she'd spent with Beth had somehow changed her attitudes. Kouta shyed away, rubbing the part of his face where Sasukes fist connected. "You do realise that you're wasting time and energy keeping us here? Beth isn't here. I am right in assuming your sole reason for chasing us across the country would be capturing Beth, yes?" At this I intervened, giving Sasuke a stern look as I pushed past him.

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