Chapter Twenty-Seven: Revelations.

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Gaara POV

I didn't know if what I was doing was the right course of action. Not to mention the ramifications such actions would have on my relationship with Beth. She would never forgive me, never look at me in the eyes again once she learned of my betrayal of her secrets. But I had to save her. I couldn't let her destroy herself anymore. It was time that Beth came first.

"What are you thinking?" Tayuya asked as we came to a halt a ways away from the rest of the group.

"First things first, where is Suigetsu?" I had noticed the member of Beths squad was absent at my arrival and my curiosity as to his location was the first thing I needed addressed. Tayuya sighed before answering my question showing a patience that was unusual for her character.

"I sent him to follow Beth. She was supposed to meet us two days ago but she never showed. I sent Suigetsu after her yesterday and he hasn't come back yet." I sensed Tayuyas unease as she spoke, the anxiety building with each phrase, as if she had gone over these disturbing occurrences inside her head over and over again. I also felt a wash of unease as I considered what I had been presented with, my hands shaking slightly at the thought of Beths disappearance.

"Itachi. Any chance her meeting with him went south?" I asked, keeping my tone calm.

Tayuya shook her head. "No. He didn't seem to have any intention of harming her when we saw them leave. He seemed curious more than anything."

"Where did they go?" Tayuya shook her head once more, sighing as she did so and looking away from me. Turning to face the direction of the Leaf ninja camp, she answered.

"I don't know, none of us do. She made sure we didn't follow her. Suigetsu is following her chakra remnants but even that would be hard to track."

"Tell me about it." From above came a watery figure which erupted from the trunk of a nearby tree. The figure, although mostly translucent, was in the shape of a man.

"Suigetsu!" Tayuya exclaimed, hope radiating within her voice. "Beth. Where is she?" She urged. I too was interested in Suigetsus tracking of my dear friend, but from the lack of Beths chakra near our position my hope quickly faded to extreme worry.

"Gone. I have no idea where she is. I followed her chakra to a huge cave system where I could sense her meeting with Itachi, but when I got there the atmosphere was strange. Itachis chakra was long gone and Beths, although not exactly fresh was mixed with another chakra scent that belonged to someone I'd never encountered before." Suigetsu looked at me for a while before continuing. "What's he doing here?"

Ignoring the question Tayuya continued to pump Suigetsu for any and all information he'd devised from his tracking mission. "She can't have just disappeared, what else was there?" Suigetsu scoffed and stepped out from the trunk he was attached to before moving towards Tayuya and myself, reforming into a solid being.

"Blood." He stated casually. "A lot of blood. I'm guessing someone knocked Beth out and teleported her out of there."

"Teleported? There are very few shinobi with that particular gift. Most of the time it's simply an illusion and not actual teleportation." I added. Suigetsu looked at me and smiled.

"I'm aware. But there was no trail of Beth leaving that cave, nor were there any traces of our mystery party outside the room where Itachi and Beth spoke. It definitely wasn't an illusion." Suigetsus voice seemed almost entertained by the events unfolding before us. An attitude I didn't appreciate.

"The Akatsuki." I stated. Tayuya and Suigetsu both turned to face me, their gazes intense, waiting for explanation. I thought carefully about my response, thinking through my suspicions carefully. "The shinobi world has detailed files on the members of the Akatsuki which have been encountered. Kisame Hoshigaki, Deidara, Itachi Uchiha, etc. Although his file is quite bare compared to other members we've encountered, the Akatsuki member known as 'Tobi' has been recorded to have the power to teleport."

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