Chapter 1 Betrayal and Reincarnation

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"Light can't exist without darkness. Just like that love can't exist without hate."

Izuku POV):

Today was a normal day I wake up did my morning routine today was weekend so it was no suprise that everyone was still  sleeping I was walking out of my room when I heard a voice and I goes to check it out he saw it was coming out of my girlfriend's room uraka. I peek through the door and my eyes widened I saw uraka kissing bakugo I stop peeking stood up starts to silently crying I thought it was ok nothing can wrong anymore. But I didn't know how wrong was I the next thing I knew all might call me in his office.

I was going to all might's office he call me here and i might know why all might was calling me you see i hearing all might saying that I can not master one for all because you see I mastering precent by percent very slowly and. I think he wants it back and give it to some one else. I thought and starts  to clearing my head and knock on his office door and he open the door and let me enter the room and close the door behind me.

(Two hours later):

(Narrator/me POV):

We see Izuku Walking out of all might office with his head down we can see tear running down his cheek but if you ask him what happen he will say that some dust got into his eyes putting up a fake smile that would convince anyone. But if you look into his eyes closely you would see sadness, loneliness, dispare, and regret he starts to leave UA going to his home.

(Timeskip to when he reach his house)

He walk to his house door to see his door locked starts to call his mother she doesn't pick up Izuku's eyes starts to widened Izuku starts to cry he knew his mother didn't love him she only take care him for the society to see that she cares for her child even if he is quirkless. Izuku eyes now have more sadness, lonelines, dispareand and regret then you imagine Izuku thought that this emotion only hurt him so what's the point of having them so he abandoned them and became emotionless he stop crying now if you look into his eyes closely you will not see a single emotion like he is staring into your soul his eyes was devoid of any emotion and Izuku stand up and leave towards the unknown.

(Few days later)

(Narrator POV):

He sleep on beanch of park looking for a part time job to get money for stuff he needs. No one was giving him a job because of being quirkless but one lady took pity on him and gave him a job

(Few years later)

(Narrator POV):

We see Izuku walking with his co worker he and Izuku finally believe that this person would not betray him and is now telling him about his past while walking his co worker on the other hand was dumbfounded that his other co worker suffer this much in his life. But sadly all good time must come to an end . A criminal was running toward his co worker trying to kill him but Izuku being Izuku he jumped in the way and got stab in the gut he was having his last thought but he didn't knew tht this thoughts will make him one of most powerful people.

(I will put the the first ep of tensura here in which his skills will be explained in the video I will also give him some skills)

But before he takes his last breath he thinks about all might, ofa,afo how he couldn't master ofa how he couldn't became hero

Izuku: I just wanted to be hero what's the problem with that Why? I can't become a hero Why?

Voice of the world: Confirmed individual's evolution acquisition to saint successful. Continuing individual have given item hero's egg.

Izuku: If just i could have master one for all this won't have happened.

Voice of the world: confirmed conversation of quirk one for all into skill successful. Ultimate skill Hero's wrath acquisition successful.

Izuku: if only my body can kept improving this won't have happened.

Voice of the world: Extra skill: Body improve acquisition successful.

Izuku: if my body just have adapt  to one for all.

Voice of the world: Extra skill: Adapt acquisition successful.

Izuku: what did i just see is that void. A place where there is nothing but darkness is that were. I guess that's where I will rest no heaven or hell for me. I guess god just created me to laugh at me.

Voice of the world: Unique skill: Void acquisition successful.

(While Izuku was lost in his thoughts he also gained four new skills and those skills are Hero's warth, body improve adapt and finally Void. He will also gain hero's egg because things he did in the pervious world and the voice of the world recognize him as a hero these thus giving him a hero's egg. Information about him and his new skill will be given in next chapter which is a Information card of Izuku Tempest. So see you in next chapter byee.)

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