Shizue Izawa the conqueror of flames

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The darkest place in the world could also be the brightest place if one can find the light hidden within the that place.

Izuku is talking with the great sage as he is training.

Izuku: Hey great sage isn't Veldora strong?

Great sage: [Yes, as of right now individual named Veldora is far stronger than master. Master's magicule isn't nowhere as near Veldora.]

Izuku: Well great sage is there a way to scan Veldora's memories?

Great sage: [Yes, it is possible to scan individual Veldora's memories]

Izuku: okay can you do it then?

Great sage: [Statring to scan individual Veldora's memories activating skill [parallel opreation] and [Thought acceleration]. Estimate time for completeing the scan is a week.]

Since Izuku didn't went to sleep like original timeline he had gotten to kajin and his friends early so the village will be more built compare to anime. And Shizue and the company had to come to the forest some weeks after kajin came in the village in ainme Also Izuku will get some new skill.

Timeskip one week later

Great sage: [Report, successfully scaned the memories of individual Veldora. ]

Izuku: Well is there anything related to magic or any other useful information.

Great sage: [Report, individual Veldora seem very attracted fighting and causing chaos during younger years of his life. As the result he had been in many battle. In those battle some were magic user. Does master wants to recreate spells seen in individual Veldora's memories Y/N]

Izuku: Hey sage I want to go to Veldora's cave before u start to recreate the spell as I want to test them.

As Izuku called Rigurd.

Izuku: Rigurd take care of the village while I am gone. I will be back in a few hours and try to provide material if kajin wants them. (As izuku calls ranga out). Ranga gaurd the village while I am out okay?

Rigurd/Ranga: Hai Izuku sama/master

As izuku reached inside the cave. He then went where he and Veldora first meet as that place is filled with Veldora's magicule which is very large and dense. As izuku gave command to activate skills [Solid clone] and create spending on the types magicule then seven clones comes came out. Then using [parallel opreation] to takeover each clone great sage told which magic each clone would use.

As they ready to launch their spells izuku activated predator to eat every magic spell thrown at him as then Great sage started to analyse how each spell was shaped and how much magicule it used.

Great sage: [Notice acquing new skills [Fire magic], [Water magic], [Wind magic], [Earth magic], [Lightning magic], [Light magic], [Dark magic], [Storm magic], [Scorch magic] and [Ice magic]. Now combining extra skills [Fire magic] with [Water magic], [Wind magic], [Earth magic], [Lightning magic], [Light magic] and [Dark magic], [Storm magic], [Scorch magic], [Ice magic] Successfully combined and evolved into extra skill [Elemental magic].

Great sage: [Notice mater has acquired extra skill [Fire manipulation], [Wind manipulation], [Earth manipulation], [Lighting manipulation], [light manipulation] [Dark manipulation]. Now combining extra skill [Water manipulation] with
[Fire manipulation], [Wind manipulation], [Earth manipulation], [Lighting manipulation], [light manipulation] and [Dark manipulation] Successfully combined and evolved into extra skill [Elemental manipulation].]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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