~Chapter One~ A New/Old Life

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~Author's Note~

This is a Fan-fiction–purely written out of my love and passion for Disney's "Gargoyles" by Greg Weisman. None of the characters belong to me, except for Rose Connelly, Emily Hansen, Kevin Morrison, Akira, and a few other supporting characters. Due to copy write laws, the intention of this book is for fun only and is fan-fiction. I have loved writing my own story about these characters, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it. The intention of this book is NOT to sell or publish for money, but just for enjoyment. This is my very first published story. All reviews are welcome!

** Rating Note** While most of this book is rated PG-13, there are a few chapters in the end which contain more mature content.

(General story) Rated M: for brief strong language, violence, and the depiction of abuse, and sexual content.

Summary from the Author's point of view:

The story of Rose and Brooklyn is one that is near and dear to my heart. I have always loved Brooklyn's character from the TV show and comics; and felt that he deserved a story and love of his own. Rose is a strong character but is not without flaws. She has a dark past, constantly threatening to devour her, and a past love that is both dangerous and poisonous. Their journey of finding love, purpose, light, trust, and courage to fight for each other despite their differences is truly the heart of this story. It tells of bravery to stand up for what is right, to rise above the darkness, and to protect the love in which we all strive for; but seldom find...

This is their story...



~The Heart of Everything~



One thousand years ago- superstition and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age of Gargoyles—stone by day, warriors by night. We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.

Now, here in Manhattan, the spell is broken, and we live again!

We are defenders of the night. We are Gargoyles!


~Chapter One~

A New/Old Life

It was hard to believe that it had been well over one-thousand years since Brooklyn had last seen his homeland of Scotland and the dead members of his clan. So many things had happened between that time and where he and his Clan were now. Sitting up top of his 'go-to' spot on the Brooklyn Bridge, he gazed out towards the massive New York City in melancholy, then sighed as his thoughts naturally drifted back to his homeland and the simpler times...

In 994 A.D.- at the Wyvern Castle in Scotland, his clan had lived, flourished, and protected the humans that lived there. Princess Catherine and her people lived in the Castle with the Gargoyles. They tolerated their kind, only out of the knowledge that while the humans were awake and active during the day, the Gargoyles were in their stone sleep, not bothering them. While most of the humans slept at night, the Gargoyles shed their stone skin and were warriors and the castle's protectors.

Most humans hated and rejected the Gargoyles and took every opportunity to call them 'monsters.' The Gargoyles stood by their oath and biological duty to protect humans from all harm. It was the Gargoyle way... though it certainly was not the easy way.

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