~Chapter Three~ Closure

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~Chapter Three~


Nightfall had come quicker than Brooklyn realized. To him, it seemed as though he had just fallen asleep.

When the sun set behind the horizon, his stone form began to crack, a little at first, before it cracked louder and quicker. After a few seconds, his eyes glowed a fiercely white, and he roared awake, shedding the remainder of his stone skin away from his body. He looked around and saw all his clan members, roaring and yawning, having just woken up as well.

Having also remembered the annoying conversation he and his clan were having the night before, Brooklyn quickly spread his wings and jumped off the edge of the tower before anyone could stop him or start up the conversation again.

"Brooklyn!" Goliath called after him, but to no avail, as his Second-in-Command was already gliding away from the castle. Folding his large wings around his shoulders, he growled a deep growl in frustration. His older mentor and dearest friend, Hudson, suddenly appeared at his side, wings also draped around his shoulders, and placed his claw on his shoulder for support.

"Let the lad go. He seems to need his own company just now."

Goliath watched Brooklyn's retreating form for a moment before continuing his thoughts.

"Brooklyn is my Second-In-Command," Goliath stated, still watching his flying form against the newly night sky. "He has proven to be responsible and more than capable of leading... but I cannot deny that his behavior as of late is worrisome. If I were to need him to stand up and take my place right now, I do not think he is in a sound mind to do so." He took his gaze off Brooklyn's fading form, then back into Hudson's one good eye, and shook his head slightly. "I do not know how to best approach this."

Hudson nodded. "Let the lad be for a little bit tonight. For now, let us go in and speak with the rest of the Clan. Perhaps one of his brothers, or even Angela, would be willing to speak with him? Figure out what is really troubling him so? We all know that he is lonely; he has always been a bit more romanticized of a being and doesn't do well alone."

Goliath nodded in agreement, turning away from the night sky, and towards the castle in which they lived. They made their way into their old, but newly modernized kitchen- thanks to Xanatos' upgrades, and found his clan settling in for a quick breakfast, before making their patrol rounds.

Broadway was already inhaling a whole dozen of scrambled eggs, four pieces of toast, six pieces of bacon, and a large glass of orange juice. Broadway loved food, a little more than he should, but had quickly become an excellent cook for the clan. Angela and Lexington were also helping themselves to the same foods, just in smaller portions. Lexington was glued to his computer, playing an online video game, and kept dropping his food on the floor as he would not take his eyes off his computer.

They didn't even realize Goliath and Hudson had entered the room.

Goliath's gaze began to harden slightly as he watched his young warriors before him. Bronx, their gargoyle dog, was devouring Lexington's food off the floor and was then whining for more. It was clear that they all were distant and in their own worlds, unaware of reality around them. He looked over at Hudson with a deep glare, in which Hudson crossed his arms looking just as displeased, and nodded at Goliath.

This behavior in their clan needed to be put to a quick end.

"Broadway, Lexington, Angela... there is something of great importance that I wish to discuss with you all," Goliath started, in his full authoritative voice, arms folded across his rock-hard chest. Out of the three, his daughter; Angela, was the only one to turn from her food and give her father their attention.

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