~Chapter Five~ Connections

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~Chapter Five~


Brooklyn and Angela quickly made their way up the alleyway's wall towards the rooftops using their claws. They had left in just enough time before Elisa, and the rest of the Police force and ambulances showed up to take care of the injured paramedic with long red hair. Brooklyn watched with full attention and anxiety as the EMTs, and Medics checked her vitals signs before quickly loading the young woman onto a backboard, and then walked her towards the ambulance.

Within a few short minutes, the ambulance sped through the night towards the Hospital, going lights and sirens, and Brooklyn had to ground his claws deeply into the concrete to keep himself on the rooftop to not take off after them. He couldn't stop thinking about the young woman and truly hoped that she lived and would be alright, but other than that, he couldn't seem to place his feelings or thoughts over her.

It was a Gargoyle's duty and biological nature to protect Humans, but something felt very different about this particular human and her situation.

When he and Angela found the gunman in a nearby alleyway, ready to shoot the paramedic woman, Brooklyn had never felt more protective of a Human before. He recalled the moment he saw the young, beautiful, red-headed woman crouched on the ground, utterly helpless but also not giving up the fight. He felt a pull to her as if they were magnets.

While gliding into the fight, he watched the woman fight off the gunman with great courage, even though she had little chance against him. Her strength and endurance were much like a Gargoyles and were admirable, and seeing her inner fire to protect her friend and other innocent lives was the human loyalty and goodness that he loved to see. It was a trait that he related to the most in humans.

Brooklyn was also completely shocked by his own behavior.

The second he landed and saw how injured the girl was, he wanted to rip the man apart from limb to limb. However, the strangest part of the night was not during the fight but afterward. The moment he spoke to the woman, and her beautiful hazel-green eyes locked onto his dark-brown ones, something strange happened.

Thinking about what happened again made his palms sweat and his heart pound.

There was a strange connection and pull towards her, so intense, unearthly, and unusual that it scared him. He had been around magic to know that it was something magical. The question was... who had summoned the spell on his heart? And why?

Every part of his body, soul, and mind connected to the human girl- and it felt like- and all he could see was her. Nothing and no one else except her. It was as if that human woman was made and meant to be for him; her body, her mind, her heart... everything.

She was his.

Which was unnatural to him.

Gargoyles took mates and believed them to be their soul mates, but never had he ever heard of anything like this before. Not even when the elders would describe what it was like to find a mate when the males were old enough to discuss such things. Nothing about this situation sounded like what the elders told him. So, was this what it was like to find a mate?

But... a... human? Be his mate?

He had heard his kind mentioning a pull towards their mates, but it was out of instinct. His as all instinct, yes, but there was even more to it. It was as if the Earth shifted underneath his feet and magnetizing him to the human. Like all of the magic in the world exploded down upon them, threatening to burn him up if he didn't touch her and finish the connection. It was like she owned every part of him now. Like he was hers, just as much as she was his.

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