~Chapter Four~ Two Worlds Collide

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~Chapter Four~

Two Worlds Collide

Rose was startled awake by a loud series of tones circulating in her darkroom. Sitting up, she was confused as to what was going on, but after a few seconds, she quickly remembered where she was and what the tones meant. She jumped out of bed and quickly threw on her uniform, boots and opened her door, running towards her ambulance, out in the station bay.

As she was jumping into the driver's side, Emily stumbled into the passenger side of the cab, obviously still trying to wake up. Turning on the truck, Rose saw that the time read, '12:45 AM', and was thankful that she got at least some deep sleep before starting into the inevitably long night shift.

"What are we being dispatched to?" She asked Emily, who opened and unlocked the dispatch computer.

"Give me a second..." she said while frantically searching through the information. "Got it," she said, after a few seconds, "gunshot victim. Police are still on scene. The gunman is still at large. Medical is being asked to stage until safe to enter."

Rose nodded, pulling the ambulance out of the driveway, and spoke clearly into the dispatch radio. "Medic ambulance NYFD 5 enroute." Turning to Emily, she then said quickly, "Where to?"

Almost immediately, Emily responded, "West 39th Street and 9th Ave."

"Got it," Rose said immediately. Switching on the lights and sirens, she gunned the ambulance into the night, honking her horn aggressively and driving around the mad traffic of New York.


"Do we know any more details?" Rose asked Emily a few minutes later, in absolute frustration. It was a struggle to get through the traffic of Manhattan. More than once, she had wanted to push cars out of her way by crashing her large ambulance into them.

Emily scrolled through more of the dispatch details and said, "Some. All we know is that there is at least one gunman, possibly more, and now three gunshot victims. More EMS and Fire Departments in the area, as well as Police, are being dispatched to the scene."

Rose groaned. "So much for a quiet night."

Emily nodded in silent agreement. "Yeah," she sighed. "This is going to be a very busy night."


Pulling up to the scene, Elisa quickly stepped out of her classic undercover Red Ford police car with her partner Matt Bluestone on her heels. She ran to one of the police officers in charge of keeping the public away from the crime scene.

"Morgan," she asked. "What do we have?"

"A hostage situation," Morgan, the police officer in question, responded seriously. "One to two gunmen, and at least three victims."

Elisa nodded, looking up at the building in front of them, and read the sign, "Roosevelt Hotel." Turning to her partner, she pulled the gun out of her red jacket and said swiftly, "Matt did you hear all that?"

"Affirmative," the red-headed young man said, pulling out his gun. "Let's go."

Running into the hotel, they were shocked at the scene before them. Three people were lying on the ground. One person, dressed in all black, looked to be unconscious. The other two victims were bleeding but alive and were crying out for help.

The lobby man, who was helping the victims and other bystanders, quickly jumped up and met Elisa and Matt halfway across the room.

"The main gunman has fled!" He cried out in panic.

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