~Chapter Seven~ Instincts

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~Chapter Seven~


A full twenty-four hours had gone by since Brooklyn saved the red-headed Human woman from the gunman. And he couldn't stop thinking about her or the connection they had.

While in stone sleep, Brooklyn dreamt of her face and the feelings he felt for her, which were driving him crazy. Now that things were better with his Clan, he vowed that he would find the red-headed Human girl and check on her the moment he woke up.

When the sun went down, and he was finally free of his stone skin, he spread his wings out and immediately went to take flight, but Goliath's voice stopped him.

"Brooklyn, where are you off to in such a rush?"

Brooklyn looked over at Angela, and she gave him a small smile and nodded, knowing exactly where he was going.

"I'm going to visit a friend really fast," he said to his leader, wanting to be open and honest with his clan from now on.

"A friend?" Goliath inquired. "Who? A Human?"

Brooklyn nodded while Angela stepped forward. "Yes, father. The human that we saved from the gunman last night. She was taken to the hospital."

"I just want to check up on her," Brooklyn added, hoping that Goliath would let him go. "She was severely injured, and I wish to see if she is alright."

Looking at him curiously, as they normally didn't do such things for the Humans they saved, Goliath finally said, "all right. But stay out of sight."

"You got it," Brooklyn acknowledged and immediately spread his long wings and glided out into the night.


The whole flight, he was unsure where the Human girl would be exactly, so he decided to check with Elisa first to see if she knew anything. There were at least five main hospitals near Manhattan and many smaller emergency rooms. If he checked them all, which he was willing to do if it came down to it, it would take all night, and he didn't have that type of patience.

Making a quick detour, he flew down and landed gently on Elisa's penthouse suite balcony. Opening her large, ceiling-long screen door, he touched down in her nice and open penthouse suite and looked around. She was off work tonight, and he was sure that she was getting herself ready to see Goliath for the night.

"Elisa?" Brooklyn called out. "Elisa, are you home?"

Down the hallway, a door opened, and Elisa stepped out from the bathroom, wearing a tee-shirt and long jeans. Her hair was damp and looked as though she had just recently stepped out of the shower.

Seeing who it was, she smiled.

"Oh, hey Brooklyn!" She greeted. "I was just finishing getting ready before I met up with Goliath. Whatcha up to?"

"Just thought I would swing by and say hi since I was in the neighborhood," Brooklyn said casually, making his way over to her couch, his wings wrapping around his shoulders, and looked around her apartment. He had been there so many times but never actually alone or gave her home a glance of attention.

Elisa suddenly popped her head around the door frame and gave him a look. "You never come and see me. You're like the kid who only comes to me when they want something."

Brooklyn snorted a laugh at her, and it was kind of true. It was nothing against her, and he just let her and Goliath do their thing and stayed far away. Elisa truly did feel like their Clan mother more than anything, and it was natural to see her as a member of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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