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We don't smoke
Bonnie's POV | Same day

"Hey you guys need a ride?"Stefan asks looking at us quizzically.

'Isnt he supposed to be with Elena..' I think to myself confused, before shrugging it off.

Looking at everyone I see them shrug, we wanted to walk for a reason but now I lowkey don't feel like it anymore.

"Yea we do, thanks man." Tyler answers for all of us as if reading my mind, causing Stefan to give us a nod in response.

Entering the car, I sit in the front with Stefan, while everyone else sits in the back.

"Why were you guys walking when you have a car?" He asks as I look in the back to see them all with their seatbelts on.

"We like walking, the feeling of fresh air is really peaceful." I admit shrugging, being a witch gives me some kind of connection to the earth.

All witches do, as long as their not using their magic for bad things or abusing it.

Accepting my answer Stefan nods back, looking at all of us in the mirror curiously. And after few minutes of silence he finally asks the question he looked like he wanted to ask, it wasn't surprising, considering we all literally reeked of weed.

"Are you guys high?"

Looking at eachother we all say, "Nah we don't smoke." calmly in sync before busting out laughing a few seconds later. That didn't even sound believable for us.

"Nah we're just kidding, we do smoke.", "And yes we are" Replies Jeremy as Caroline finishes for him.

Stefan just nods silently, pursing his lips before he finally starts driving.

"I want a burger, fries and a milkshake. Yea that's what I'm gonna get." Caroline thinks out loud as I sit back closing my eyes and relaxing.

"Big back." Tyler mumbles, covering it up with a grunt as he tries to quietly laugh into his hand. Jeremy and me just snort before bust out laughing.

Caroline just looked at Tyler faking shock at his words. "Rude."

"That sounds good though. I'm getting that too." Tyler then says. "Dude!" Caroline yells, laughing after. Shoving his shoulder a little.

They're really gonna act like that's not our usual order too.

"Me too." I join in after silently giggling to myself at their entire conversation, feeling the cool air hit mw.

"Me three." Announces Jeremy clasping his hands together.

Continuing to talk, we start making our plans for later. Mentioning how we're gonna smoke again and eat a lot of snacks.

All while Stefans driving, listening in and thinking about how we all get along quite well. He couldn't even tell if they were all together or just really good friends or something.

Finally getting to the Grill, my relaxed mood ends as we all basically jump out of the car as soon as it's parked and run into the grill.

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭Where stories live. Discover now