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Forever indebted
Bonnie POV | Same day

When we get home I showed Damian and Enzo around and showed them their rooms.

"Thank you for helping us out,I'm very grateful"Enzo says walking out of his room in just a towel,hair dripping with water.

"Your welcome, I meant what I said nobody deserves that,oh and here"I say him handing him a daylight ring that I got from my pocket dimension.

"What is this?"he asks confused.

"A daylight ring to protect you from the sun meaning you can walk during the day.You've never had one?" I ask confused.

"No,never.Thank you so much for everything."he thanks me again making me laugh.

"Are you hungry?"I ask.

"A bit."he answers.

"Well there's blood bags in the fridge."I say as I hear a swoosh and see Damian who also came out the shower drinking a blood bag ,making me laugh.

"Here Damian."I say sticking out my hand and giving him a daylight ring,since he knew what it was I didn't have to explain.

"Thank you for everything.You've done so much for me in a day than anyone's done for me my entire life."he tells me smiling ,picking me up and spinning me around as I giggle.

Huh I guess daylight rings really aren't that common.

"Alright now both of you go change!Y'all can borrow clothes from either Jeremy or Tyler."I rush them as I begin making dinner.

While I'm making food a dressed Damian comes up behind me and cages me in with his arms,as he watches my every move.

Turns out he's very clingy ,and touchy when he wants to be but that doesn't matter so are me and Caroline.

So is Enzo since he keeps walking around holding Vicki hand ,making me smile seeing them get comfortable quick.

After I turned off the stove I casted the mind shield spell on Enzo and Damian,after explaining to them what it does of course.

Can't risk them getting controlled and ruining plans like on the show duh.

"Foods ready!"I yell and a few seconds later everyone comes running in,all showered and in new clothes.

This is how we're sitting around the table me ,Damian,Jeremy,Caroline,Tyler, Enzo,Vicki and Matt.

Matt literally just came out of work ,I don't even know why he works if he doesn't pay for anything .I personally think he does it to avoid us.

"Who are they?"Matt asks suddenly ,looking at Damian and Enzo.

"They're my friends.They're moving in"I say without skipping a beat.

"Uh huh.."says Matt looking skeptical as Vicki hits him with her elbow and gives him a look to shut the fuck up,causing him to roll his eyes,mad that he was alway kept out the loop.

After a few moments of silence ,I start talking to Damian and then everyone else starts a conversating.

"Hey again thank you for saving me ,I'm forever indebted to you darling ."he whispers grabbing my hand and kissing it.

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