13 | the help

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

I knocked on my best friend Keith's door. Me and Keith have been best friends since 5th grade. Recently Keith's baby momma Cameron died of breast cancer, so now he has to take care of their 7month old daughter alone.

Keith and Cameron met when we was all in college and became good friends. They started dating 1 year after we all graduated. Their was relationship was goals, they was always together, and everyone wanted to have a relationship like their's. Until Cameron revealed that she was pregnant. Keith was super excited cuz he always wanted to be a dad but Cameron wasn't. They got in to a ton of arguments and Cameron got sick of it and decided to just have the baby. Their relationship was rocky the whole pregnancy. Just two months before Cameron gave birth she broke up with Keith and told him to stay away from her.

Keith was devastated. One day I got a call saying Cameron was in the hospital giving birth. I told Keith, and we both quickly ran out the house and sped to the hospital. When we got there Keith tried to get into the delivery room to see Cameron but the lady at the front desk told him that Cameron requested he not be called or let into the delivery room. Keith argued with them that he was the father but they wouldn't let him in. Keith just sat in the waiting room waiting for the delivery to be done. I sat there with him the whole time but it soon turned 2:00 and she still was giving birth and me and Keith had work early in the morning so we decided to go home and come back tmr.

The next day after work me and Keith went back to the hospital to see Cameron and the baby but the doctor told us she had already been discharged. We went to her house but her landlord said she moved. Keith tried calling her but she wouldn't answer. He couldn't access any of her social media either it's like she disappeared of the face of the earth with Keith's child he didn't even know the gender of his child.

Months went by and Keith still hadn't heard nothing. Until one day he got a call saying Cameron died and he needed to come get his daughter. He called me and told me the news. He also told me that he finally gets to meet his daughter.

It's been two months and me and Keith haven't talked. He's been busy taking care of his daughter, Keith has no experience taking care of child so I know he's having a hard time, so I decided to come over and check on him since we haven't talked in awhile
I was staring down at my shoes when the door swung open. I lifted my head up to see Keith in nothing but basketball shorts. He was holding his daughter in his hands and she was a screaming mess. Keith's eyes had big dark circles around them and he looked worn out.

"Hey Keith how you doing" I said

His eyes widened and he looked happy to see me. "Oh my god.. y/n hi come in" he moved to the side making space for me to come in. I walked in and my face immediately scrunched up at the look and smell of his house. I turned around to see Keith patting his daughters back trying to get her to calm down.

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