15 | "crazy" person

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Y / N

My alarm sounded making me jolt out of my sleep. I turned it off before stretching and throwing the covers off of me. I swung my feet around placing them on the floor.

I got up and went to the bathroom, I peed before cutting the shower on. While the water heated up I brushed my teeth, I then got in.

"Alexa play Portuguese Love by Teena Marie" I said

The song played as I washed myself up. After about 30 mins. of showering I got out and wrapped my towel around me. I sat on my bed and moisturized my body before putting on my panties and bra.

"I gotta find peace of mind" by Lauryn Hill was now playing as I went to my closet to find something to wear. Today I was going to visit my boyfriend in the mental hospital. Yea you heard me right the mental hospital. He's been in there for about a year now, and it's like he's getting crazier by the day but I don't know why.

I decided to wear some leggings with a lime green jacket, and my black and lime green dunks. I wore sum long white socks with my dunks to make them look better.

 I wore sum long white socks with my dunks to make them look better

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I sat down at my vanity to get started on my hair. I flat ironed it, then got started on my makeup. I just brushed out my eye lash extensions before applying some concealer and lip gloss. I put on a lime green beanie to match my jacket.

I put on my sleeveless black puff coat then grabbed all my belongings putting them in my black crossbody bag. I put my bag on then headed out.

Before I left out I had to get something out my basement, after loading my trunk I got in the car and headed to get something to eat before going to the mental hospital.


I took a breath before walking into the hospital, I walked up to the front desk. "Hi I'm here to see Keith Powers" I told her.

"Do you have an appointment" she asked me.

"Yes I do"

She smiled at me before typing something on her computer. "Go ahead and have a seat, I'll have a nurse come and escort you to his room" she said. I told her thank you before having a seat.

I sat down looking around as I waited for the nurse to come get me.

"Y/n James" I heard her say. I looked over and seen her standing there scanning the room.

"Right here" I said as I stood up and walked over to her.

"Great, come on I'll show you to his room" she said leading the way.

We had been walking for about five minutes when I scrunched my eye brows

"Why is his room so far away" I said

"Because we have to keep him away from all the other patients" she said

"Why is that" I asked her

"Because he has been getting worse" she said sadly

"Oh" I said putting my head down

When we reached his room she pulled out a key card. "You ready?" She asked me

"Yea I'm ready" I said

She scanned her card making the door slide open. I walked in as she stayed back by the entrance. When I walked in my eyes widened the whole room was white and the walls and floor was soft kinda pillow like.

"Why is the floor and walls soft?" I asked her

"Because he tends to self harm himself, yk banging his head against the wall till he sees blood, he says he's trying to silence the voices" she said

"Oh ok" I said

I turned back around and there he sat in the corner facing the wall with his head down. He had on a red jumpsuit which meant he was a real threat.

I walked closer to him but not to close. "Hey Keith" I said, but he didn't respond

"Keith, baby it's me...y/n". When he heard me say my name he lifted his head up, he then turned around slowly to face me. When he seen me his eyes grew dark. He stood up slowly and that's when I seen that his wrists were chained together, a chain then connected down chaining his ankles together also.

He just stared at me. "What are you doing here" he said to me in a shaky, angry voice

"I came to see you baby" I said with a soft smile

"Why" he said angrily

"Because" I said in a said tone. "I missed you—

"Shut up!" He yelled. "You ruined my life!" He said walking towards me making me slowly backup

"Baby what are you talking about" I said

"It's you it's not me, you did it!" He yelled. He tried leaping at me but was restrained by the chains. The guards ran in and grabbed him trying to calm him down but he was to angry.

"I didn't do anything!" He cried. "She did it! She's the killer, not me!" He yelled trying to get to me.

But nobody listened to him.

"Maybe you should come back a different day" the nurse said with her hand on my back

I shook my head before she walked with me out. I walked with my head down as tears flowed down my face still hearing Keith screaming and crying.

"IT WASN'T ME, SHE KILLED EVERYONE NOT ME" he continued to holler.

When we got back to the waiting room she grabbed my hands, as i sniffled.

"I'm sorry you had to see that back there, we're trying to help him, we're doing everything we can ok.. he will get better" she told me

I shook my head, before telling her bye. I started to walk out the hospital. I don't know why he's getting worse I thought they get better in here. Maybe because he's right... I am the killer but no one's gonna listen to a crazy person... right.

But he doesn't have to worry about being in there that much longer because I stole the nurses key card when she wasn't paying attention so I'm gonna bail him out soon. So we can be partners in crime, we can go on killing sprees together, run from the cops together, hide bodies, it gonna be so fun.

I wiped the fake tears off my face and replaced it with a smile as I walked out of the hospital. I'm gonna train him to be like me, because I love him tm to let him be any other way, cuz then I'll loose him.
When I got in my car I looked in my rear view mirror to make sure my makeup wasn't ruined, when I heard banging and yelling coming from my trunk.

"Where am I. Somebody help me!" She said hitting the top of the trunk.

"Oh shut up, I just had to make a quick stop, you'll be out in a little bit" I said reapplying my lipgloss. I fixed my hair before driving off to my next destination...

I have entered my crazy era. So be prepared😈

(I'm not crazy)

09 • 18 • 2022

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