how everything changed

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(Places of interest)
{The separation/the flipside}

By using the fliportal in the heart of limbo you can get to the separation,a place where monsters can go live and where amalgamations tend to hide from the hunters group if their lucky.

it's popular to see those of certain traits (like mania ect.) running around and either killing anything foreign that gets too close to them or playing with the creatures before eating them for their lifesource and powers.

Most newbies end up in the separation and need to be rescued asap or else they will die,so groups have been created to handle the monsters in the separation for that purpose.

(More studies required)
{Site 13}

A massive square building that is capable of housing THOUSANDS of beings larger than khaos in her true form comfortably.

Has registered every single person in limbo with a set number so that they are categorized and easy enough to experiment on/with.

The staff within the building preform the necessary surgeries on newer members in limbo so that they may live for much longer and can wield much more powerful abilities. (A timer is placed on the new hearts so that the owners of said hearts can get them changed out if they expire/get old or infected with diseases)

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{The whitespace/the endless equilibrium}

An empty expanse that gets littered with monsters and corpses that drift in the sea in-between multiverses and get swept into limbo,the equilibrium is where they get dumped.

hunters/scavengers are sent out into the whitespace to loot and kill everything that appears before it's all decomposed the next day and the cycle repeats.

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{Backgrounds mesa}

A massive copy of the grand canyon completely digified and corrupted,chunks of the floor disappear at random so it's recommended that fliers or people with heightened senses are the only ones to travel within it.

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{Trench grown forest}

A deep deep forest that is within a trench in the black sea,seeing it from above makes it look like a leafy bed but if you try and step on it you fall into the forest and need to call for backup.

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{Esorlem teerts}
(a.k.a. mirror town outskirts [limbo district])

A copy of a city within the human realm but completely flipped,many warmongers and hunters live here as it is just on the outskirts of limbo and the perfect place to spawn camp the entities that come out of the whitespace.

(More studies required)
{Pokeplex sector}

A place where wild or tamed Pokemon can stay unattended,pokeballs are forbidden to purchase but if you brings some in/negotiate with some of the wild Pokemon within the area you are in then you may bring/use your own to catch them.

=[Pokemon that are already owned have a charm or decorative piece on them to help tell them apart so you don't waste balls.]=
{Digisphere sector}

A section of limbo where digimon are easier to find,you must have at least a training level 1 digivice,beginner hacker gear <(a modded phone should be enough) and a pause charm <(only a digimon can activate a pause charm) to enter this area so you can tame your first partner digimon.

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