Like A Moth Attracted To Light

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Scorpio laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't seen Aquarius in a few days and his life became boring again.

"Hello? You alive in there?" Leo knocked on his door.

"Yep, somehow." He mumbled and rolled out of bed.

"Did you give your friend a call back yet?"

"No and she's not my friend." He scoffed, referring to Aries.

"Oh come on, you should at least say thanks."

Leo recalled the night he drank her drink that had a roofie in it. He was embarrassed at the moment and didn't want to think about it anymore. However, it made things awkward at work. He tried his best to avoid her these past few days by coming in slightly later or leaving a bit early.

It had worked so far but he didn't know how much longer he could do it.

"What about you?" Leo raised an eyebrow.


"Did you blow it with that lady? You know the one that's obviously way out of your league?"

"I haven't seen her...wait what do you mean?!" He was offended.

"I mean it's quite obvious you can't handle her."

He wasn't wrong. Apart from being a supernatural being who reaps souls for a living and feels no remorse, she was still a difficult woman to talk with.

"I don't care about her." He rolled his eyes.

"Mhmhm, that necklace says otherwise. Why are you still keeping it then?"

Scorpio looked down at the necklace, wondering why he was still wearing it.

"It...feels comfortable?"

Leo rolled his eyes and dropped the topic.

The doorbell rang several times.

"Um..." Scorpio looked at Leo in confusion. They weren't expecting anyway. He walked over and looked through the peephole. A smiling girl waved in a friendly manner.

Scorpio opened the door.



"Aries?!" Leo blinked.

"How are ya feeling?"

"Oh come in." Scorpio moved out of the way so she could enter.

"Why are you here?"

"Do you think I haven't been noticing you avoiding me? I remembered your address from last time."

"That's creepy." Leo shivered.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you two wanted to come to the club with me right now. I have three VIP spots but my friends canceled on me last minute."

Leo and Scorpio looked at each other. The two of them weren't into clubbing. In the past, Leo would have jumped at the opportunity but clubs meant they were crowded and he didn't want to deal with unwanted touching.

"I think I'll have to pa—."

"Sure." Scorpio cut him off.

"What?" He gave a betrayed look.

Scorpio shrugged. Honestly, he didn't know what came over him that moment, but his mouth spoke before he could think about it.

"Great! Go change and let's go." Aries clapped.

"I hate you." Leo mumbled and trudged to his room.

Scorpio hid a chuckle and went to his room.

The two of them took some time to get ready and came out.

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