Back To Square One

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It was late night as Pisces sifted through the documents of the case he was assigned. His head hurt and he didn't know if it was from the 5 cups coffee or from looking at gruesome images for the last twelve hours.

It was almost midnight and he was the only one left at the station. The dim lighting of his desk lamp left him squinting at the images and he was surprised he still had perfect vision after all these years of reading at night. He took a moment and leaned back in his chair, noticing that the lights were turned off around him.

His stomach was also yelling at him to the point where it was slightly painful. He glanced at the glowing convenience store across the street, tempting him. He decided now was a good time to take a break. He stood up and stretched, his back creaking from sitting in the chair for hours on end.

He walked outside, turning back and locking the door before going to the store.

The cashier looked obviously tired but greeted him as he entered. He scanned the items and chose some cup noodles and chips. Normally, he was against eating in such an unhealthy fashion because of the body he had to maintain for his job but he felt like there wasn't any option as of right now.

As he went over to pay he glanced at the cigarettes behind the cashier.

"Want a pack?" The cashier caught him staring at them.

"Ah no thank you." He smiled and shook his head.

Pisces used to be quite a smoker but successfully quit because he wanted to be in the police force. He paid with credit card, took the bag, and exited out of the store. The night time air felt cool and crisp against his face and he stood there for a moment.

His moment of peace was brief when he heard a woman running over to him, crying out for help. She slammed into his body, hugging him tightly.

"Whoa, what's wrong miss?" He let her embrace him, knowing that she was in a state of panic.

"I-I feel like someone was following me." She whimpered into his chest.

"I had to park my car a little far away from the place I'm meeting my friend and while I was walking it felt like someone was following me. I swear I saw someone!"

"Alright I understand." Pisces comforted her while also looking around to see if he saw anyone suspicious.

"Would you like me to escort you to your friend?"

"I would really appreciate that." She finally let him go and looked up at him, teary eyed.

He nodded and walked with her down the dark dimly lit road until they arrived at a bar. Only these kinds of places were open at this time.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright!" Another woman came running over, almost stumbling because of her heels.

"I'm fine, this officer helped me." She hugged her friend tightly.

"Thank you so much for bringing her safely."

"Just doing my job ladies."

"Let me treat you to a meal."

"Oh no, I must get go—."

"One more order please!" The woman cut him off.

"I'll take it to go then." He sighed and waited for the food.

It took at least twenty minutes for the food to arrive and he held the bag in the other hand as he walked back to the station. He was so hungry he was beginning to feel weak. He pushed the glass door open, pausing and furrowing his eyebrows. Didn't he lock it?

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