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Aquarius sat in her home, alone once again. It was a feeling she was used to but it felt worse somehow. Was it because she was in a contract with that bastard? She sighed, sipping on a glass of wine before feeling a bright warm aura behind her.

"What the hell do you want Gemini?" She said without looking back.

"You shouldn't have made that contract you know."

"You don't have to lecture me."

"Who's going to tell him what happens at the end?" Gemini walked around Aquarius until she was standing right in front of her.

Aquarius stared at the ground, annoyed. "I know what it's like being a curse, I empathized with him."

"You know that's not how it works."

"Can you get off my fucking back? I'm pissed as it is." Aquarius glared at her.

Gemini was unfazed, she was used to Aquarius' prickly personality. "I hate to say this but he's missing you."

Aquarius looked up at her and scoffed. "He shit talked me and now he's missing me?"

Gemini sighed, putting her hands behind her back. "This doesn't end well. I can foresee it."

"Nothing ends well.."

The next time Aquarius looked up Gemini was gone. She let out a frustrated groan and downed her glass of wine.


"I haven't seen Aquarius lately." Leo spoke to Scorpio.

"Yeah? Maybe she's sick of me." Scorpio lazily poked at his food.

"You must have really done something to piss her off"

Scorpio replayed the idiotic things he said. He was just saying those things to throw Gemini off! It felt weird without having a suffocating intimidating presence around him. He wondered if she was getting those souls without him.

"You look gloomy. You miss her don't you?" Leo noticed.

"No, it's a relief to be honest."

"Don't lie. I know my best friend."

"What do I do? I messed up. Like really bad."

"Hmm I don't know there's a little concept called apologizing." Leo said with sarcasm.

Scorpio scoffed at his annoying tone, but he was right. He had made a mistake and needed to own up to it. He wondered if he should get her a gift, but what the hell does a supernatural being that has everything want as a gift? He took a step out the door, shivering at the cold air. It was mid December, almost Christmas and the stores had put up their flashy displays of lights and cute decorations. He sighed as he walked down the busy streets, cheeks rosy from the cold. He kept his hands in his pocket to avoid any accidents as he brushed past people. 

All the couples walked past him and he felt a hollow feeling in his chest. The holidays were the worst time to be single and it hit him every year. He paused in front of a store, as something caught his eye. 

Aquarius stood at the graveyard, the chilling air not bothering her a single bit. Sometimes souls would be wandering in the graveyard to be taken so she hoped she would be lucky to snag a couple there, but it was getting increasingly difficult because she didn't have her full power. The link she created with Scorpio took some of that away, meaning she was half mortal now. She kicked at a rock and leaned against a tombstone as she surveyed the area. 

"Today is colder then usual hm?" 

Aquarius felt that warm aura appear again and she sighed.

"So now you're following me?" She turned to Gemini.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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