Chapter 6

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In the bright sunlight, in the broad daylight, a tragedy of the weak being bullied by the strong is about to take place.

The youngest child was surrounded by four older children who were older and stronger than him, and behind him were dense bushes that could not escape.

The child was probably very scared. He kept his head hanging down without saying a word. The sun shone on the skin that was white and tender, and the small arms and legs were soft and weak. It looked really weak, pitiful, and helpless.

So, looking at the little pitiful appearance of the other party, the few little fart children who have more and more bullying satisfaction naturally want to make persistent efforts, and together they rushed over in a huff. One of the biggest ones reached out and wanted to grab the blond kid's hair, intending to hold the stupid person who made people look so uncomfortable, and just as hard as possible to clean up the lesson as yesterday.

However, when he grabbed it, he didn't.

The child ducked away, and then they saw the child raise his head and smiled at them.


The weak, poor and helpless child raised his head and smiled at them completely incompatible with the cute little face.

Somehow, the hearts of several children suddenly shook and had an ominous hunch.

Just as those elder children threw over, they clicked, and Galan kept the hand behind him folding a branch from the bush behind him.

He had been groping for a while after hiding his hands behind him, and finally found a satisfactory branch that was as long as his arm.

Flexible, strong and easy to use.

Satisfied, he raised his head and grinned his small mouth, revealing the twitchy white teeth, and smirked at the few bear children rushing at him.

Then he waved the branch high in his hand.

——I can’t figure out how Huimus can’t cure you little kids?

Papapap, Papapap, Papapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapama!

There was a cheerful pop in the air.

That's the sound of flexible branches whipping on the meat at once.

The crackling sound was accompanied by the crying and crying of the pumped bear children.

The style of the painting turned around. It was originally a scene where a group of big men bullied a soft and weak child. It became a scene where a child chased a few children who were taller and stronger than him.

I saw that the blond child jumped and hid, waved a branch in his hand, and slammed it on the **** of the older child in front of him. The other person yelled in pain and jumped over his butt.

The chubby children looked wrong, why did they become chased and beaten? Suddenly my heart was crossed, no matter what, the head was low, like a barbarian cow, the barbarian head rushed towards Gallan. Garland moved sideways to the side, hiding aside, and then kicked the buttocks of the fat child who rushed past him, squatting him. The fat child was lying on the ground with his face up, and then his round stomach was twitched twice by the branches, and he burst into tears when he hurt.

For a time, the branches danced violently, only to hear the popping sound constantly ringing, accompanied by the painful cry of several children.

These children were all heirs of the bloodline beside the royal family. They were all spoiled at home. They are always lawless. They are used to bullying others. Not to be beaten in this life, I am afraid that even No one finger was touched.

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