The Beginning

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This work is dedicated to Kazuki Takahashi and all of the readers who gave me the courage to make this new story. I will do my best to honor the creator, the show and the community. May he find peace and live alongside the characters he made and gave to the world in the next life. So, in the words of Pegasus himself...

Let the fun begin~!


[3rd POV]

It was a lovely spring day in Domino City. It was the third of April in 1994. Life was abuzz in the streets with people visiting shops and mingling in the local areas, but that's not where this story first takes place. In the bustling city of New York, there was a Duel Monsters tournament being held in the city's arena. However, it wasn't like any other local tournament. Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters himself, was hosting the Intercontinental Tournament alongside Seto Kaiba as his guest. This brought in a lot of eager competitors. What also made it special was the prize money that would be given to the winner. At this time, the final match of the tournament was about to get underway. The first opponent was a middle-aged man with blonde hair and an American flag bandana tied to his head. His name was Keith Howard, aka "Bandit Keith". He was the American Champion of Duel Monsters. The other duelist sitting at the table was a young boy no older than four hailing from Domino City. Bandit Keith sat there, arms crossed, with a smirk on his face waiting for the kid to make his move.

Keith: "I hope you're ready to get crushed, kid. Tell you what. If you ask nicely, then I'll finish you off fast."

Keith laughed at his own joke getting ready to draw his first cards. The young boy however couldn't help but turn his head over to his left. Watching his duel was none other than Pegasus who was the boy's hero and inspiration. He sat there, legs crossed, and hands intertwined with a smile on his face. Pegasus wore his signature red suit with his white hair covering the left side of his face. He noticed the boy looking at him and waved hello to the child. The child in turn smiled back and waved to him before drawing his starting hand. 

Kaiba: "You think that this kid can defeat that brute?"

Pegasus: "Oh, my dear Kaiba-boy. I'm about to prove it."

Kaiba: "What do you mean?"

Pegasus stared at the American intently, and with the powers of his Millennium Eye, peered into his mind. He saw his starting hand and all the various strategies running through his brain. Keith drew his first card and formulated his winning strategy. Pegasus also saw that he was planning on humiliating the poor child when he lost to inflate his own ego. With a huff, he pulled out a pen and a spare piece of paper and began writing a few things down. He folded the paper, got out of his seat, and walked over to the table much to the confusion of Seto Kaiba. The boy and Keith also noticed this as the wicked smile grew even more on the American's face.

Keith: "Oh, hey there, Pegasus. Come to watch me pulverize this kid up close?"

Pegasus: "My dear child. What is your name?"

Kota: "K-Kota, sir."

Pegasus: "Well, it's nice to meet you, Kota."

Keith: "You come to duel in the boy's place or something? Actually, you should. If I beat you, then I'll become the number one duelist in the world."

Pegasus: "I don't need to duel you. A CHILD could defeat you, Bandit Keith, and I'm going to prove it right here and now."

Kota: *shyly* "Y-Y-You really think I can do it?"

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