Welcome to Duel Academy II

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[3rd POV]

After Bastion and Kota left in the direction of the Ra Yellow Dorm, Judy and Syrus both followed the path Bastion pointed down to. It was about a ten-minute walk back over in the direction of the bridge, but they found another path leading away from the Academy. Both of them came to a stop as the building up ahead was close enough for them to clearly see. It was just a regular-looking two-story apartment building with a red roof and dull yellow walls. There was a wooden staircase leading up the second floor. 

Syrus: "Maybe it looks better up close?"

The two of them looked at each other before walking up to the dorm. They could see several doors on the bottom. Five of them were dorm rooms while the other two lead to the cafeteria and the room to the dorm's headmaster. When they climbed up the steps, Judy went straight to the portion of the deck that overlooked the ocean. Meanwhile, Syrus was examining the state of the building. The paint on the walls were faded, the support beams were looking a bit old, and the whole building had this run-down sense to it.

Syrus: "This is a dorm? It's more like an outhouse with a deck."

Judy: "You serious, Sy? Check out this view! This place is great!"

Syrus: "Great? I've been to a place like this before when my family went camping years ago. The building was shut down a couple of months later and condemned!" 

Judy: "Eh, you worry too much. Let's go check out our room!"

The duo walked down the deck until they came up to the third door. Judy noticed the simple lock on it and patted down her pockets to find a key. Syrus sighed pulling it out of his pocket and gave it to her. She unlocked the door and opened it to the room inside. The walls were beige, and the carpet was red. There was a triple-decker bunkbed to the right of the room with a desk equipped with holocomputers for studying to the left. There was a small television, a stack of books, and green colored curtains covering the room's window to keep it dark.

Judy: "Well, pal, this is our room."

Syrus: "It's kinda small, don't you think?"

Judy: "I personally like it. This will be a sweet place to live for our first year here."

Syrus: "Yeah, kinda weird that we met at the Entrance Exams and now were roommates, right? Think we could be descended from Ancient Egyptian figures from thousands of years ago? Like you were a queen, and I was a priest?" 

Judy: "No offense, dude, but that's just weird..."

Syrus: "Well, it could be true. Plus, the way you and Kota dueled at the exams was so amazing."

Judy: "Eh, forget about that. They broke the mold when they made us both."

Syrus: "Sure. For different reasons. I'm not even close to the level that you're on..."

Judy: "We gotta work on that confidence of yours, buddy. For now though, let's work on our room!"

As she said that last word, Judy flung the curtains open letting the light of the day pour into the room. The sudden increase in ambient lighting caused a growling noise to echo inside of the room. Syrus started to shake in fear from hearing that noise. It came from the beds. 

Guy: "Hey! Those were closed for a reason!"

Syrus: "Oh, sorry..."

Judy: "My bad, dude. We didn't see you up there."

Guy: "Well, can you see me now?"

The top bunk creaked a bit as a slow growing form started to rise from the bed. It rolled over making the blanket partially fall off. What was revealed was a rather chunky boy wearing a Slifer blazer with inverted colors like Alexis's. He had a very angry look on his face as he growled at the pair on the floor. Both Judy and Syrus hugged each other yelling in a panic. The look on the guy's face reminded Judy and Syrus of one thing.

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