Welcome to Duel Academy I

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[Kota's POV]

The ride in the helicopter was going rather smoothly. Many of the other applicants were chatting amongst themselves, trading cards, or just closing their eyes for a bit. One of those who fell into the last category was the girl sitting next to me, Judy Yuki. Her mouth was slightly agape as a small trail of saliva went down from the corner of her mouth. It was kinda cute seeing her like that, but I decided to just put such thoughts into the back of my mind. There was absolutely no need to go head over heels for a girl. There could be time to find someone like that later. My eyes changed focus from Judy to the window next to me. The ocean looked ever so peaceful from my vantage point. No crazy waves or anything sailing in the water. Just the occasional whale I would see pop up every now and then. 

Kota: 'I wonder if there's beach access at the academy.'

Memories started to bubble to the surface, both good and bad. My first couple of months in my new home were riddled with nightmares. It even got to the point where I wouldn't be able to sleep at times. It was thanks to the sounds and the smell of the ocean that kept them at bay. It was just one of the two things that were able to help me sleep. The other thing was all of the Duel Monster spirits that would sense me when I would have one of my nightmares. They would come cuddle and keep me company when I would have flashes back from that terrible night. My heart was starting to rush thinking about those things when I heard the sounds of cooing right next to me. I turn back over to where Judy was napping to see Winged Kuriboh floating there. He had a sad look in his eyes as he cooed again. I smile at him feeling a tear or two shed from the corner of my eye.

Kota: 'Hey, old friend.'

Winged Kuriboh flew over to me and landed in my lap. He flapped his wings and I could tell what he was wanting. I placed on of my hands on his head and started to scratch him. He melted almost like butter, especially when I started to scratch him behind his wings. Doing this was actually making me feel better as the sensation of his fur calmed me down. The cooing seemed to have disturbed Judy as she started to stretch and yawn. She rubbed her eyes and smacked her lips before turning her attention over to the two of us. Her eyes laid on me for a second before looking down towards Winged Kuriboh in my lap. My cooed and flapped his wings happy to see Judy awake from her nap. Her eyes widened shifting between me and our furry little friend. Guess this is a good time to mess with her a bit.

Kota: "Do I have something in my lap?"

Winged Kuriboh: *confused coos*

Judy: "O-Oh, no. I-It's nothing."

Winged Kuriboh: *shocked coos* 

Kota: "Well, I wouldn't call Winged Kuriboh nothing. He's makes for a great friend."

Judy: "Yeah, no jo--Wait. WHAT? You can SEE him?"

Kota: "And apparently so can you. He's taken quite a liking to you. That tells me a lot about the kind of person you are."

Judy: "What do you mean? You sound like a fortune cookie."

Kota: "Oh, ha-ha. What I mean is that he has the ability to sense what kind of person someone is. He only likes people who are kind, compassionate, and brave."

Judy: "Really? That's rad! He seems to like you too."

Kota: "Winged Kuriboh and I... have a past." *strokes fur* "We're very good friends."

Judy: "Well, I guess that's one more thing we have in common."

Kota: "Besides being able to see and talk to Duel spirits? What else would we have in common?"

Judy: "DUH! Our love of dueling!"

Kota: *laughs* "Guess you're right on the money with that one."

Judy: "Now that I think about it. Does your deck have any spirits?"

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