The Next King of Games

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[Kota's POV]

It was early in the morning, and I was asleep. I was in my room, at home, at Duelist Kingdom. Ever since that car crash that took my mom and dad away from me, I've been living here, adopted by the man I adored. But right now, I was having a very nice dream. I haven't really had much contact with kids my age, except during the Duelist Kingdom competition years ago along with Battle City for a time. I was allowed to "participate" just so I could have the chance to interact with other children. This dream of mine was different though. It was of this very pretty girl with crazy brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and this smile that just hits me just right. This fantasy girl has been in my dreams for the past couple of months now and I wasn't complaining. Not a single bit.

Kota: *sleepily* "Oh yeah... Hello gorgeous~"

Something that I had been made aware of in my upbringing was the fact that I talk when I sleep. Really embarrassing quirk of mine. There would be days that I wake up to see some of the maids giggling amongst themselves when one of them would happen by my room or come in to wake me up. God, the things that I've said. Right now though was a nice moment. She was looking at me in a way that made me feel all warm and stuff. She grabbed my shirt and then...

Samantha: "Good morning, Master Kota!"

I was brought of my dreamworld, quite rudely, by the sound of that damned voice. It wasn't anything like a bad voice mind you, it was rather sweet to the ear, but this particular person would always find a way to wake me up whenever I didn't want to. Her name was Samantha. She's twenty-nine years old and started working for my father around the time of the Duelist Kingdom competition as my personal maid. She would help me get ready, make sure I was doing schoolwork, and wake me up in the mornings. I grumbled wanting to go back to sleep and see that pretty girl again. That was quickly dashed when the rays of the early morning sun hit me right in my eyes. I yelled in discomfort having been blinded while Samantha was standing by the window holding the curtain cord with an innocent smile.

Samantha: "It's time to wake up sleepyhead."

Kota: *yawns* "I know you're just doing your job... but damn you."

Samantha: "Watch your language, young man. It is unbecoming of a gentleman such as yourself."

I grumbled in an annoyed manner. She only giggled again at my attitude. I wasn't really all that much of a morning person. At least, not a morning person that likes to be woken up in the fashion that I have. I put my head back on my bed wanting to reenter the thralls of sleep not much caring for how my body was positioned. I just wanted to sleep. I was brought out of that by the smell of a heavenly aroma hitting my nostrils. I turned to see Samantha standing next to me holding a mug of coffee. I made the effort of propping myself into a sitting position on the bed so Samantha could give me the life-saving liquid. I take a sip of it already feeling the sleep leave my body.

Kota: "Thank you, Samantha."

Samantha: "Of course."

Kota: "Is there a reason I'm being woken up at the crack of dawn?"

Samantha: "Your father wanted you to be awake bright and early. He doesn't want you to be late for the entrance exams."

Kota: "That doesn't start until ten, and the time right now is..." *checks clock* "Good lord. It's not even six thirty yet."

Samantha: "Master Pegasus wanted you up to make sure that you have everything you need ready. That and he requested to have breakfast with you before you go."

Kota: "What's the schedule for today?"

Samantha: "Breakfast will be at seven where you and your father will hang out for a bit. Afterwards, you'll depart for your entrance exam by helicopter. You should arrive at the Kaiba Dome a little while before the exams begin."

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