Trust unlooked

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I still couldn't believe what he was saying. It really was hard to believe and this game pannel was really just bothersome. What in the world was it even supposed to mean that I just became an Alice?!

Me: You said we are in Wonderland. How did we get here and where the hack is Wonderland anyway. Just a second ago we were in a secret room! How is it possible to be now in a forrest?

Nothing truely made andy senses anymore. I was too confuse to think straight.

Shiggy: Well how should I explain it...


Just start explaining!

This is straight nightmare fule!

I can't get back home without fullfilling this quest since this is kinda like a game....

Then I have to find whatever that thing is....

And I am stuck here knowing no one at all!

Shiggy: You are the key I was looking for earlier. I didn't expect that the key was a human but never mind.

Me: Huh?

Shiggy: Look.... Back in the room you were looking at the canvas the hole time and even as I talked to you, you didn't answer, right?

Me: I think soo and?

Shiggy: At the moment when you touched the picture the portal activated and a bright light enveloped us.

Me: So you mean to tell me, I triggered this?

Shiggy: Kinda. Well after that you fell unconscious and I was and still am worried about you.

Me: Me, a key?! I am a key??? That's ridiculous!

Shiggy: But you are an Alice!

Me: But I am not a key!

Shiggy: Well Alice has the role of a key, tho I really thought that I would find a key and not an Alice.

Me: This is getting even more ridiculous!

Shiggy: Okay, calm donw.

Me: Calm down?

Shiggy: Yeah.

Me: How do you expect me to do this?!

I can't believe what he is saying.

As if i where a key.

I am just a normal human.


This has to be a nightmare!

I just slipped and hit my head or something!

Me: So you say that, I teleported us here somehow and you are actually a cat?

Well that would explain the cat ears, although they aren't real one.

Still Cheshire cat....

Kinda cute.

Shiggy: Yes, you are Alice and the canvas was actually a door to Wonderland. There are many other passways to wonderland, some are hidden within objects, like the canvas. The castle you saw in the picture was the mansion of the queen of Heart's. Her majesty sent those black knights to capture me alive or dead.

As he explained the circumstances how we get here his ears where moving and a tail came out of his coat and it was also moving. My eyes widened. Never did I saw a human with actually real tail and ears.

Shiggy: Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?

His tail was wagging like it had its own will.

Me: Your tail and ears moved.....

Shiggy: My ears and tail?

Me: I thought they where just some cost-play accessories but now i am not so quite sure about it.

Shiggy: Pfff- So that cough your attention. Naturally the people in my world are a bit different than those in yours. ANDThey are real. Wanna touch them?

They looked so fluffy and soft that I really wanted to touch his ears. I was glad that he asked, otherwise it would be rude of me to just touch them and it is strange to ask if I could anyways.

Me: May I really?

He nodded and I immediately got close to him so touch them. They are as soft and fluffy as they looked like. As I petted his ears Ace suddenly began to purr lightly. It was funny to see him enjoy this moment.

We sat there relaxing until I was finally feeling fine again. I didn't know if I could trust him, or not but one thing is for sure! He helped me and cared about me.

It was also getting darker and this black forrest doesn't help me feel better or save. The day was already dark and the night should be darker, which means that this place is getting creepier with each and every minute.

Shiggy decided to take me with him to his home. He said he is the Cheshire Cat and thus a Guardian of the Portal. Never did I imagine that he actually possessed the power to teleport us anywhere in Wonderland.


All of the sudden another window popped up right in front of me after kinda also patted his head.

Special Ability Desintegration. Unlocked.

Shiggy: We should head home, it's getting already darker and trust me, you do not want to be in this forrest at night. Give me your hand and close your eyes, just trust me and never let go if I don't say anything, understand?

I didn't know why he wanted to hold hands but it at least made me feel saver. I did as he told me and closed my eyes.

Suddenly all noises stoped around us. It was quiet and I couldn't feel the wind blowing anymore. The only thing I could feel was an emptiness. It was getting colder. I didn't know what Shiggy was doing but I didn't like this feeling it makes me feel sad and depressed.

The next thing I know I was enveloped in a warm environment. I also could hear a fire place. It didn't take long that I could hear Shiggy voice.

Shiggy: Now you can open your eyes.

Naturally I wanted to see where I was now, so I opened my eyes and looked around. He also did let go of my hand. For the first time this afternoon I felt save. I don't needed to run away from some knight and also didn't had to fear for my live.

Those knights were scary, they shot us with arrows and daggers. It's pure luck that nether i nor Shiggy were hurt. Well I at least am feeling comfortable at this house, his home. It felt warm and cosy.

Not an NPC but an Alice!Where stories live. Discover now