Listen To It

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Y/N couldn't sleep.

How can she sleep after that conversation? Scarlett literally confessed that she loves her too. She's been wondering about that for two years now, she finally got her answers but it made things worse. How can she let Scarlett marry someone else now? That's just impossible.

The actress was under the covers, probably sleeping now. But Y/N couldn't do the same. She sighed and sat up, she looked at the bed and shook her head. It's obvious that the actress was wide awake because of the way she's tossing around.

"Scarlett." Y/N spoke.

There's no response.

"No, no, no." Y/N mumbled and stood up, she turned on the lamp next to Scarlett's bed. "I'll let you sleep once we finish talking." She said. "Scarlett, I know you're awake."

With that, Scarlett pulled the covers down. She sat up and looked at Y/N, "What, Y/N?"

"What?" Y/N frowned, "What do you mean, what? You just confessed that you're in love with me. Are we gonna forget that?" She asked.

"Yes, Y/N. I'm hoping we can forget about it." Scarlett said, while looking away from the singer.

"How?!" Y/N asked, "I've loved you for years, Scarlett, and I was a fucking mess because of your sudden change. Now that you literally told me you feel the same way, you expect me to forget about it?"

"Yes, Y/N! Because I'm getting married!" Scarlett answered, she stood up and started pacing back and forth.

"No! I'm fucking done with this marrying Brad! It's fucking bullshit and you know that! I'm the one you want, not him. So please, just fucking stop with this Brad shit and own your feelings." Y/N said, "I don't even fucking know why you're with him, so why are you even with him, Scarlett?" She asked.

Scarlett didn't say anything but she stopped pacing.

"Answer me, Scarlett. Why are you with Brad?" Y/N asked again.

Scarlett bit her lip, "So that I can still see you around." She answered. "I don't even sleep with him, Y/N. And I only hang around if I know you're gonna be there. When he proposed... I just said yes because his parents were there. I didn't want that, I didn't want him."

Y/N sighed in frustration, pinching the bride of her nose. "Scarlett... just, why?" She looked at Scarlett. "I'm here for you, I've always been here for you. I love you, I love you so much it hurts, why're you doing this to yourself? Why're you doing this to us?" She asked. "I'm so fucking tired with everything, loving you kills me, Scarlett. Just... why?"

Scarlett didn't say anything.

Y/N sighed, shaking her head. "That's fucked up, Scarlett. I was a mess when you started dating him, but that was your reason? So you can still see me around? Are you even hearing yourself?" She asked, completely confused. "I was there for you, I reached out so many times that I lost count. We could've been together, but you decided to date him instead."

"I was scared, okay? I am scared." Scarlett answered, tears streaming down her face.

Y/N's heart aches painfully upon seeing the actress so heartbroken, she just wants to hold her. But she didn't. Instead, she just sighed like she was so tired. Which she is; she's tired. With this, with everything.

"I'm with you, Scarlett. I don't know about you but I'm just so fucking tired. I want you, Scar. I want us." Y/N whispered, and her own tears streams down her face.

"I just... I'm just so afraid to step into this new world just because I love you. And I'm not that strong, Y/N." Scarlett said. "I'm tearing myself apart because of my fears, I'm hurting you and I'm hurting myself."

"You can stop this, Scarlett. I'll be strong for the both of us," Y/N said, "I'll be there with you, Scar. You don't have to do this alone, I'll be with you. Choose me and I'll show you the love you always deserve. You said your heart will choose me in a heartbeat, right?"

"Yes," Scarlett answered without hesitation.

"Then listen to your heart, Scar. Listen to it. Don't marry Brad. You said it yourself, you only dated him because you want to see me around. You don't have to do that anymore, we can be together, Scar. Just listen to your heart and be with me." Y/N said.

Scarlett look between Y/N's eyes, she gulped and sniffled, "I hate you so much. I hate you, I can't imagine living my life without you. I can't imagine my life without looking into your eyes and feeling your arms around me."

Y/N reach over and wiped Scarlett's tears, "You don't have to imagine that, you don't have to go through that pain because I'm here, Scar. I want that future with you."

"I can't see myself with Brad, I only see myself with you. I want you, I want to feel your heartbeat, I want to spend my lazy days with you, I just want you, Y/N. Just you." Scarlett whispered, completely letting her feelings go.

"You have me, Scarlett." Y/N said, "You have me."

"Please hold m-me." Scarlett whispered, her voice breaking.

In a heartbeat, Y/N was there. Holding Scarlett closer and hugging her tight. And she silently cry while Scarlett sobbed on her neck. "Please, Scar. Let's face this together. You and me."

Scarlett tightened her hold on Y/N. She didn't want to let go. She feels like dying if she ever lets Y/N go for the second time. "You and me." She whispered.

In A Heartbeat • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now