More Than Life Itself

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"Come here, baby." Scarlett said, patting her lap.

Y/N obeyed and they both moan when Y/N sat down on Scarlett's lap, the singer's wet core dampen Scarlett's thigh.

Scarlett touches Y/N's waist, "Hmm, so wet for me." Then her gaze fell upon Y/N's breasts, which are just in front of her, she smirked and her eyes turned to look at her girlfriend's lips, saying, "Those fucking lips," before finally kissing the singer.

Y/N cupped the actress' chin and cheek, and they both moaned once more as the actress pulled her in closer, causing her to grind down on her lap. Scarlett is also so drenched by this point that she can feel the dampness in her underwear.

Scarlett ran her hands over her girlfriend's body, cupping the singer's boobs and slightly pinching her nipples. Scarlett pulled away from Y/N's lips only to kiss her way down, and she hungrily kissed Y/N's neck and collarbone, biting on it too.

"Fuck," Y/N moans, and tilted her head to allow her girlfriend easier access to her neck and collarbone. And when Scarlett's hand touched her heated core and made circles on her clit, she gasps and moans.

"You're so fucking beautiful, baby." Scarlett groans and enter two fingers inside Y/N's wet pussy. She moans herself watching Y/N and the way the singer sensually rides her lap and fingers.

"Oh, fuck, baby!" Y/N moans when her girlfriend fasten her pace, curling her fingers inside her, it makes her roll her eyes at the back of her head. "Shit, shit, shit!" She moans and she bounces up and down, adding more pleasure.

Scarlett's heart beats a lot faster as she looked at her girl, she absolutely loves this. And this is making her lose her own mind, she's beyond turned on by now.

"Mhm, yeah? You like that, baby?" Scarlett husked, going faster and curling her fingers inside Y/N.

"Yes! Oh, fuck!" Y/N gasps, moaning. She hold onto Scarlett's shoulders for support, her eyes are closed as she feels pleasure throughout her body.

"Look at me," Scarlett said, her natural husky voice got deeper and huskier.

Y/N tried to open her eyes, goosebumps all over her arms as she heard Scarlett's change of voice.

Scarlett smirked and with her other hand, she cupped Y/N's jaw, making her girlfriend look at her. "Keep your eyes open."

"Fuck, baby, please!" Y/N begged, her nails digging on Scarlett's shoulders as she feels herself about to cum.

"Hmm," Scarlett hummed, smirking. "Be a good girl and I'll let you cum. Keep your eyes open." She said and let go of Y/N's jaw, her hand went behind her girlfriend, holding her close.

Y/N obeyed and kept her eyes open, her gaze never leaving Scarlett's eyes. And looking into those mesmerizing green eyes is edging her. "L-Let... let m-me cum, baby, please." She whimpered, moaning.

Scarlett hummed, smirking. "Cum for me, baby." She husked, curling her fingers inside her girlfriend.

With that, Y/N's eyes rolled back as pleasure shoots all over her body. She moaned Scarlett's name while she cum all over her fingers.

Scarlett hums, slowing down her pace and helping her girlfriend ride out her orgasm.

Y/N's legs shakes a bit, her head dropped on Scarlett's shoulder, still feeling high from her orgasm. "Fuck," She whispered.

Scarlett stopped her movements but didn't pulled her fingers out. She smiles and kissed the side of Y/N's head. "You did great."

Y/N chuckled weakly, "And you did wonderful." She said and looked at Scarlett after calming down, she whimpers when her girlfriend slowly pulled out her fingers.

Scarlett and Y/N looked at the actress' fingers, glistening with Y/N's cum.

Just then, Scarlett put her fingers in her mouth, licking it and tasting Y/N's cum. She moans, loving the sweet taste. After cleaning her fingers clean, she looked at her girlfriend and gave her a sweet smile. "You tastes amazing." She said.

Y/N blushed and just leaned in, kissing Scarlett slowly and passionately.

Scarlett smiles and kisses her girlfriend back, her heart's happy and content. "I love you, Y/N." She mumbled against Y/N's lips. "I love you, so much."

Y/N pulled away from the kiss and look between Scarlett's eyes, she smiles, caressing Scarlett's cheek. "I love you more, Scar. More than life itself." She said.

Scarlett smiles, "More than life itself."

With that, they leaned in again, kissing each other and pouring their feelings into it.


Author: Yay. Have a great day/night loves❤️

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